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Recently advertised traffic management proposals

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Recently advertised traffic management proposals

Proposed schemes

Details of proposed parking and traffic schemes will be published here in PDF documents. 

You can comment or make an objection to any aspect of a scheme using the contact details in each document. You must do this by the date specified in the notice on the first page of the documentation.

Advertised 26 September 2024

On-street changes for the provision of cycle hangars (PDF)

Controlled parking zone 'CA-F' (Camden Town Area): experimental extension of evening and weekend parking controls (PDF)

Advertised 5 September 2024

Introduction of electric vehicle recharging point parking places (PDF)

Advertised 29 August 2024

York Way - Safe and Healthy Streets (PDF)

Advertised 8 August 2024

Brent Council and Camden Council: Kilburn High Road and Shoot-Up Hill, proposed 20mph speed limit (PDF)

Advertised 18 July 2024

Parking Policy Review 2024: Traffic Order Amendment (PDF) 

Advertised 11 July 2024

Controlled parking zone 'CA-X' (Elm Village): experimental introduction of Saturday morning parking controls (PDF)

Advertised 27 June 2024

Rousden Street - Camden Square Safe and Healthy Streets (PDF)

Alfred Mews area - Safe and Healthy Streets (PDF)

Advertised 20 June 2024

Crowndale Road - Safe and Healthy Streets (PDF)

Advertised 4 April 2024

Notice of variation of certain on-street parking and permit charges, off-street permit charges and parking place suspension fees (PDF)

Advertised 21 March 2024

Agar Grove, Ampthill Square, Bourne, Harben Road, Ossulston 1&2, Russell Nurseries, South End Close and West End Sidings Estates – introduction of civil parking controls & Maiden Lane Estate - changes to disabled parking provisions (PDF)

Advertised 7 March 2024

Boroughwide minor parking amendments and disabled bay parking places amendments (PDF)

Advertised 29 February 2024

Boroughwide installation of E-Scooter and Cycle Hire parking places (PDF)

Advertised 15 February 2024

CA-L Inner Controlled Parking Zone - Change of controlled hours (PDF)

Advertised 8 February 2024

Phoenix Road - Public Realm and Healthy Streets Changes - Notice of Making (PDF)

Redhill Street, Christ Church C of E Primary School - Health School Streets - Experimental Traffic Order made permanent (PDF)

Phoenix Road Area - Public Realm Changes - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Advertised 1 February 2024

Modbury Gardens and Aldred Road minor parking changes and Disabled bay installations (PDF)

Advertised 25 January 2024

Disabled bay installations, Carlow Street, Harley Road - Notice of Making (PDF)

Advertised 18 January 2024

Goldhurst Terrace, Belsize Road - Sustainable Drainage Systems and pedestrian improvements (PDF)

Advertised 21 December 2023

Elsworthy Road - Healthy School Streets - ETO made permanent (PDF)

Advertised 14 December 2023

Chalk Farm Road - Safe and Healthy Streets - Notice of Correction (PDF)

20mph Speed Limit Amendment (PDF)

Regent's Park and Euston areas (CA-G West), change of controlled hours for residents and paid-for parking bays, Experimental Traffic Order made permanent (PDF)

Advertised 7 December 2023

Warren Street - Streatery - Experimental Traffic Order made permanent (PDF)

Advertised 30 November 2023

Chalk Farm Road - Safe and Healthy Streets (PDF)

Advertised 23 November 2023

Bicycle hangars and associated changes to parking restrictions - various locations (PDF)

Advertised 16 November 2023

Leather Lane - Safe and Healthy Streets (PDF)

Holmes Road -Healthy School Streets - Experimental Traffic Order made permanent (PDF)

Cannon Hill, Kingsgate Place - Installation and removal of Dedicated Parking Places - Made order (PDF)

Advertised 6 November 2023

Notice of Correction - 20mph speed limit order - corrections (PDF)

Notice of Correction - Healthy School Streets - Kingsgate Primary School (Maygrove Road, Ariel Road, Loveridge Road); West Hampstead Primary School (Ravenshaw Street, Broomsleigh Street, Dornfell Street, Glastonbury Street) - Experimental Traffic Orders (PDF)

Advertised 2 November 2023

Cumberland Market - Safe and Healthy Streets (PDF)

Advertised 26 October 2023

Torrington Place to Tavistock Place Cycling Corridor (PDF)

Advertised 19 October 2023

Kemble Street - Public Realm Improvements (PDF)

Advertised 12 October 2023

Phoenix Road - Public Realm and Healthy Streets Changes (PDF)

Street dining areas - Cleveland Street, Goodge Street, South End Road (PDF)

Advertised 28 September 2023

Parliament Hill - Rain Gardens (PDF)

Advertised 21 September 2023

Wilmot Place - reinstatement two-way working between St. Pancras Way and Royal College Street - Experimental Traffic Order made permanent (PDF)

Advertised 7 September 2023

Elm Village - Rossendale Way, Bergholt Mews, Weavers Way, Crofters Way, Ploughmans Close, Reapers Close - introduction of permit parking controls (PDF)

Advertised 17 August 2023

Healthy School Streets - Kingsgate Primary School (Maygrove Road, Ariel Road, Loveridge Road); West Hampstead Primary School (Ravenshaw Street, Broomsleigh Street, Dornfell Street, Glastonbury Street) - Experimental Traffic Orders (PDF)

Advertised 3 August 2023

Disabled parking bay - Lady Somerset Road (PDF)

Advertised 20 July 2023

Islip Street, Hammond Street, Frideswide Place, Caversham Road - changes to West Kentish Town C of E Primary School Healthy School Street: Dornfell Street, Ravenshaw Street, Broomsleigh Street - contraflow cycling and additional waiting restrictions at junctions (PDF)

Arlington Road Low Traffic Neighbourhood - changes to parking restrictions, various streets (PDF)

Advertised 13 July 2023

Haverstock Hill / Rosslyn Hill and neighbouring streets - Experimental Order made permanent (PDF)

Advertised 6 July 2023

High Holborn, Procter Street (including nearby streets) - highways safety improvements (PDF)

Gordon Square - public realm improvements; Goldhurst Terrace, Cannon Hill - minor parking changes (PDF)

Advertised 15 June 2023

Contraflow cycling - Drummond Crescent, Doric Way (PDF)

Camden Square Area - Safe and Healthy Streets - Experimental Traffic Order made permanent (PDF)

Advertised 8 June 2023

Junction Protection Programme and Bicycle Hangars - Somers Town area (PDF)

Disabled Parking Bays - boroughwide locations (PDF)

Leeke Street bridge - closure to motor vehicles (PDF)

Advertised 18 May 2023

Healthy School Streets - Belsize Lane, Aldenham Street, Polygon Road, Werrington Street, Charrington Street, Purchese Street, Doric Way, Drummond Crescent, Lyndhurst Gardens, Chalton Street, Cranleigh Street: Experimental Traffic Orders (PDF)

Healthy School Streets - Bedford Square, Polygon Road: Changes to times during which motor vehicle prohibitions apply (PDF)

Advertised 4 May 2023

Bucknall Street - designation of loading bay; York Way - changes to waiting and loading restrictions and highways improvements (PDF)

Advertised 20 April 2023

Charlotte Street, Regent's Park Road, Doric Way, Great Queen Street - Street Dining Areas - Experimental Traffic Orders (PDF)

Ariel Road, Leighton Grove, Inkerman Road, Oppidans Road - disabled parking bays: Carlow Street - introduction of 24-hour waiting prohibitions: Harley Road - removal of parking spaces (PDF)

Advertised 16 March 2023

Bicycle hire bays and associated changes to parking restrictions - various locations (PDF)

Bicycle hangars and associated changes to parking restrictions - various locations (PDF)

Conway Street, Grafton Way - reinstatement of two-way working between Cleveland Street and Maple Street and changes to parking restrictions; Starcross Street - removal of parking spaces at entrance to Starcross Yard Open Space (PDF)

Advertised 2 March 2023

Regent's Park Road, Winchester Road - designation of disabled parking bays: The Mount Square - removal of residents parking bay (PDF) 

Denmark Street - designation of parking bays: Shaftesbury Avenue - designation of pedestrian and cycle zone: High Holborn - designation of loading bay: Bartholomew Road - pedal cycle exemption from requirement to turn left into Kentish Town Road: Ajax Road - changes to waiting restrictions (PDF)

Advertised 23 February 2023

Permit Parking Places for Recharging Battery Powered Vehicles (PDF)

Advertised 16 February 2023

Falkland Road, Priory Terrace - Cycle Permeability Schemes (PDF)

Advertised 2 February 2023

Bayham Place - relocation of motorcycle parking bay; Camley Street - designation of waiting restrictions on approaches to and under railway bridge (Overground Line); Canfield Gardens, Cannon Hill, Kingsgate Place - designation or revocation of disabled persons' parking bays (PDF)

Advertised 12 January 2023

Tower Street - relocation of bicycle hire bay; Belsize Road - designation of doctors' parking place; Lithos Road, Mansfield Road - disabled parking places; Estelle Road, Savernake Road - changes to parking restrictions at junction (PDF)

King Henry's Road area - 7.5 tonne weight limit - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Advertised 15 December 2022

Bicycle hangars - various locations boroughwide (PDF)

Haverstock Hill / Rosslyn Hill and neighbouring streets - modification to Experimental Traffic Order - Downside Crescent (PDF)

Advertised 1 December 2022

Elsworthy Road - modifications to Healthy School Street (PDF) 

Disabled Parking Bays - Goldhurst Terrace, Laxton Place (PDF)

Healthy School Streets - Bidborough Street / Tonbridge Street / Hastings Street, Mount Pleasant, Islip Street / Hammond Street, Bedford Square, Croftdown Road - Experimental Traffic Orders made permanent (PDF)

Advertised 17 November 2022

Queen's Crescent Area - Safe and Healthy Streets scheme (PDF)

Permit Parking Place for Recharging Battery Powered Vehicles (PDF)

Queen's Crescent - Experimental Traffic Order made permanent (PDF)

Advertised 3 November 2022

Disabled parking bays - Howitt Road, Penryn Street, Kingsgate Road / Kingsgate Place. Removal of parking space - Burgess Hill (PDF)

Advertised 27 October 2022

College Place - parking controls at crossing points (PDF)

Advertised 20 October 2022

Tower Street - relocation of bicycle hire bay; Heath Drive, Redington Road - removal of parking spaces (PDF)

Advertised 13 October 2022

Flaxman Terrace - removal of motorcycle parking bays (PDF)

Advertised 6 October 2022

Permit Parking Places for Recharging Battery Powered Vehicles (PDF)

Prince of Wales Road and neighbouring streets - changes to parking restrictions; Torriano Avenue, Camden Park Road and neighbouring streets - changes to parking restrictions; Disabled parking bays - various locations (PDF)

Advertised 15 September 2022

Gray's Inn Road side streets - introduction of additional waiting restrictions at junctions and new loading bays (PDF)

Bedford Row, Sandland Street - one-way restriction and changes to waiting restrictions and parking places (PDF)

Advertised 18 August 2022

Redhill Street, Christ Church C of E Primary School - Health School Streets - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Advertised 11 August 2022

Highgate Road, junction with Lady Somerset Road - relocation of parking places and bicycle stands (PDF)

Advertised 4 August 2022

Ridgmount Gardens - copies of orders as made (proposed orders published 17 February 2022) (PDF)

Belsize Lane - conversion of dedicated disabled bay to residents parking space (PDF)

Camden Park Road / Torriano Avenue - bus lanes and associated changes to parking restrictions - Experimental Order made permanent (PDF)

Advertised 21 July 2022

Bicycle hangars - various locations boroughwide (PDF)

Harmood Street - modal filter - Experimental Traffic Order made permanent (PDF)

Harmood Street - modal filter - proposed relocation and associated changes to parking restrictions; Gray's Inn Road - loading bay (PDF)

Advertised 7 July 2022

Disabled parking bays - Agar Grove, Fitzroy Road, Rosemont Road, Vale of Health (PDF)

Advertised 30 June 2022

Regent's Park and Euston areas, change of controlled hours for residents and paid-for parking bays, Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Electric vehicle recharging points, various locations boroughwide (PDF)

Elsworthy Road Healthy School Street, Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Highgate Road, proposals aimed at improving bus journey times; Savernake Road, highways improvements; Cressy Road, contraflow cycling (PDF)

Advertised 16 June 2022

Oakley Square - additional waiting restrictions at junctions with Eversholt Street and Crowndale Road (PDF)

Advertised 9 June 2022

Disabled parking bays - Allcroft Road, Canfield Gardens, Cannon Hill, Laxton Place, Regent's Park Road, York Way (PDF)

Street dining areas - Cleveland Street, Goodge Street, South End Road, Warren Street; Experimental Traffic Orders (PDF)

Advertised 26 May 2022

Footway widening schemes - Agincourt Road, Christchurch Hill, Kidderpore Avenue: Dumpton Place / Gloucester Avenue - changes to parking restrictions (PDF)

Advertised 19 May 2022 

Cycle permeability schemes - College Place, Warren Street, Windmill Street, Grafton Way, Bedford Avenue, Tottenham Street, Richbell Place - Experimental Traffic Orders made permanent (PDF)

Huntley Street contraflow cycling - Experimental Traffic Order made permanent (PDF)

Advertised 12 May 2022

Oakley Square - Experimental Traffic Order made permanent (PDF)

Holmes Road Healthy School Street - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Advertised 5 May 2022

Disabled parking bays - Platt's Lane (PDF)

Advertised 21 April 2022

Ice-cream trading bays - Camden High Street, Primrose Hill Road, Regent's Park Road - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Advertised 14 April 2022

Dedicated Disabled Bays - Goldhurst Terrace, Spencer Rise, Netley Street, College Place, Greenwood Place (PDF)

Advertised 24 March 2022

Swain's Lane, Highgate West Hill - changes to parking restrictions associated with s.106 development site (PDF)

Advertised 17 March 2022

Wilmot Place - reinstatement two-way working between St. Pancras Way and Royal College Street - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF) 

Gray's Inn Road area - Experimental Traffic Order made permanent (PDF)

Arlington Road Low Traffic Neighbourhood - Experimental Traffic Order made permanent (PDF)

Linstead Street, St. Paul's Crescent - Cycle Permeability Schemes - Experimental Traffic Orders made permanent (PDF)

Advertised 10 March 2022

St. Pancras Way - changes to waiting / loading restrictions - Experimental Traffic Order made permanent (PDF)

Wilmot Place, St. Pancras Way, Royal College Street, Jeffrey's Street, Millfield Lane, Merton Lane - changes to parking restrictions following consultation responses to Experimental Traffic Orders (PDF)

Advertised 3 March 2022

Neighbourhoods of the Future, NW3 - Experimental Traffic Order made permanent (PDF)

Highgate Road bus lanes - extended hours of operation and associated changes to parking restrictions - Experimental Traffic Order made permanent (PDF)

Banned right-turn from Swain's Lane into Bisham Gardens - made order (PDF)

Disabled parking bays, various locations (PDF)

Dane Street, Hartland Road, Hawley Road, changes to waiting and loading restrictions and removal of parking spaces (PDF)

Advertised 25 February 2022

Cliff Villas, Princess Road, Minster Road - Healthy School Streets - Experimental Traffic Orders made permanent (PDF)

Princess Road - modifications to Healthy School Street (PDF)

Advertised 17 February 2022

Bicycle hangars - various locations boroughwide (PDF)

Ridgmount Gardens - contraflow cycling, minor adjustments to parking restrictions (PDF)

Estelle Road - modification to Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Healthy Schools Streets - modification to Islip Street / Hammond Street Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Advertised 10 February 2022

Electric Vehicle recharging points - various locations boroughwide (PDF)

Goodsway, one-way restriction. Changes to permitted traffic movements at Pancras Road / Camley Street / Goodsway junction (PDF)

Advertised 20 January 2022

Haverstock Hill / Rosslyn Hill and neighbouring streets - removal / relocation of parking bays, changes to waiting and loading restrictions and change of Bus Lane hours - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Advertised 6 January 2022

Dedicated disabled bays; Belsize Lane, Grafton Road (PDF)

Advertised 16 December 2021

Holborn Junction Safety Scheme; Southampton Row and Theobald's Road junction - (PDF)

Advertised 9 December 2021

Camden Square Area - Safe and Healthy Streets - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Advertised 25 November 2021

Bicycle hangars and associated parking restriction changes (PDF)

Advertised 18 November 2021

Banned right turn from Swain's Lane into Bisham Gardens (PDF)

Advertised 4 November 2021

Installation / Removal of disabled parking bays, various locations. Dockless hire bicycle bay, Ariel Road (PDF)

Advertised 28 October 2021

Harmood Street - conversion of paid-for parking bay to shared-use parking bay - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Advertised 14 October 2021

Bicycle hangars and associated parking restriction changes - various locations (PDF)

Advertised 30 September 2021

Prince of Wales Road / Kentish Town Road junction, Anglers Lane area - changes to permitted vehicle movements and associated parking restriction changes (PDF)

Advertised 16 September 2021

Trial E-scooters - exemptions to use cycle lanes, cycle tracks and parking bays provided for dockless hire bicycles - Experimental Traffic Order - PDF

Source London Electric Vehicle charging points - PDF

Advertised 2 September 2021

Junction Protection Programme Phase 5 - various junctions in CA-B (Belsize), CA-J (Primrose Hill) and CA-K (Kilburn Priory) Controlled Parking Zones (PDF)

Healthy School Streets - modifications to Islip Street / Hammond Street, Polygon Road Experimental Traffic Orders (PDF)

Advertised 19 August 2021

College Place - disabled parking bay (PDF)

20mph speed limit order - corrections (PDF)

Advertised 29 July 2021

Cartwright Gardens - highways improvements with associated changes to parking restrictions (PDF)

Advertised 15 July 2021

Estelle Road - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Bicycle hangars and associated parking bay changes -various locations - (PDF)

Advertised 8 July 2021

Chalk Farm Road and neighbouring streets - modification to Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Advertised 1 July 2021

Priory Terrace - removal of parking space for vehicle access (PDF)

Outdoor Seating Areas (Streateries) - associated changes to parking restrictions - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Advertised 17 June 2021

Healthy School Streets - Bidborough Street / Tonbridge Street / Hastings Street, Mount Pleasant, Islip Street / Hammond Street, Bedford Square, Croftdown Road, Polygon Road - Experimental Traffic Orders (PDF)

Dockless bicycle hire bays and associated changes to parking restrictions (PDF)

Advertised 10 June 2021

Ferdinand Street, Ferdinand Place, Malden Crescent - re-allocation of residents parking places (PDF)

Earlham Street, Short's Gardens, Monmouth Street - re-allocation of residents parking places - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Advertised 3 June 2021

Elm Street - disabled parking bay installation (PDF)

Bicycle hangars and associated changes to parking restrictions (PDF)

Advertised 27 May 2021

West End Project - exemption for Dial-a-Ride and PlusBus vehicles (PDF)

Advertised 20 May 2021

Queen's Crescent - Motor Traffic Free Environmental Trial - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Advertised 13 May 2021

New End - Healthy School Street (PDF)

Advertised 29 April 2021

Permit Parking Places for Recharging Battery Powered Vehicles (PDF)

Advertised 8 April 2021

Dockless bike hire bays and associated changes to parking restrictions (PDF)

Disabled parking bays installations and removals (PDF)

Advertised 18 March 2021

St. Edmund's Terrace, Agar Grove - changes to waiting / loading restrictions and parking bay relocations (PDF)

Advertised 11 March 2021

Lower Kilburn High Road - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Advertised 4 March 2021

Junction Protection Programme phase 4 - West End Lane, Lymington Road, Fortune Green Road, Maygrove Road (PDF)

Advertised 4 February 2021

Camden Park Road / Torriano Avenue - bus lanes and associated changes to parking restrictions - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Dockless bicycle hire bays and associated changes to parking restrictions (PDF)

Bicycle hangars and associated changes to parking restrictions (PDF)

Advertised 21 January 2021

Disabled parking bays installations and removals - various locations. Nutley Terrace crossover - (PDF)

Advertised 21 January 2021

Arlington Road Low Traffic Neighbourhood - modification to Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Chalk Farm Road and Neighbouring Streets - modification to Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Harmood Street modal filter - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Advertised 7 January 2021

Dockless bicycle hire bays and associated parking restriction changes (PDF)

Advertised 17 December 2020

West End Project - one-way streets and contraflow cycling (PDF)

Copy of order as made: 2020 No. 103

Junction Protection Programme phase 3 - Controlled Parking Zones CA-D, CA-S (PDF)

Advertised 10 December 2020

Bernard Street, removal of parking spaces (PDF)

Loveridge Road, Dedicated Disabled Bay (PDF)

Ferdinand Street / Chalk Farm Road junction, cyclist permitted to proceed ahead (PDF)

Advertised 26 November 2020

Haverstock Hill / Rosslyn Hill and neighbouring streets - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Oakley Square - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Huntley Street - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Huntley Street - new parking restrictions and one-way working between Grafton Way and University Street (PDF)

Advertised 19 November 2020

Cycle permeability schemes - College Place, Warren Street, Windmill Street, Grafton Way, Bedford Avenue, Tottenham Street, Richbell Place - Experimental Traffic Orders (PDF)

Advertised 12 November 2020

Cleve Road - crossover installation (PDF)

Advertised 22 October 2020

Healthy School Streets - Marsden Street, Crogsland Road, William Road, Holly Bush Vale, Sandall Road - Experimental Traffic Orders (PDF)

Camley Street - additional waiting restrictions and pedestrian crossing (PDF)

Advertised 15 October 2020

Dockless bicycle hire bays and associated parking restriction changes (PDF)

Bicycle hangars and associated parking restriction changes (PDF)

Advertised 8 October 2020

Junction Protection Programme, phase 2 - Controlled Parking Zones CA-G, L, M, N (PDF) Revised diagram of junctions (PDF)

Gough Street  - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Advertised 24 September 2020

Bicycle hangars - associated changes to parking bays and waiting restrictions - various locations (PDF)

Advertised 17 September 2020

Gray's Inn Road area - Experimental Traffic Order - (PDF)

Arlington Road Low Traffic Neighbourhood - Experimental Traffic Order - (PDF)

York Way - relocation of parking bays - Experimental Traffic Order - (PDF)

Linstead Street, St. Paul's Crescent - Cycle Permeability Schemes - Experimental Traffic Orders (PDF)

Jeffrey's Street - Cycle Permeability Scheme, Wilkin Street - changes to parking restrictions (PDF)

Advertised 10 September 2020

St. Pancras Way - changes to waiting / loading restrictions - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Advertised 3 September 2020

Highgate Road bus lanes - extended hours of operation - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Advertised 27 August 2020

Healthy School Streets - Cliff Villas, Minster Road, Princess Road - Experimental Traffic Orders (PDF)

Neighbourhoods of the Future - Netherhall Gardens, Netherhall Way, Maresfield Gardens, Frognal, Nutley Terrace - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Advertised 6 August 2020

South End Green - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

North Gower Street - Dedicated Disabled Bay (PDF)

Chalk Farm Road - modification to Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Advertised 30 July 2020

Dockless bicycle hire bays and associated parking bay changes, various locations (PDF)

Advertised 16 July 2020

Chalk Farm Road, Crogsland Road, Belmont Street, Ferdinand Street, Harmood Street, Hartland Road, Hawley Street, Haverstock Hill - Experimental Traffic Order - (PDF)

Seven Dials, Earlham Street, Monmouth Street, Mercer Street, Tower Street, Neal Street, Short's Gardens - Experimental Traffic Order - (PDF)

Dockless bicycle hire bays and associated parking bay changes, various locations - (PDF)

Great James Street, Swain's Lane, Dartmouth Park Road, Bicycle Hangars - (PDF)

Advertised 25 June 2020

Garnett Road, NW3; Greenland Road, NW1; King Henry's Road, NW3;  Lissenden Gardens, NW5; Roderick Road, NW3; York Rise; NW5 - Bicycle Hangars (PDF)

Advertised 25 June 2020

Prince of Wales Road, NW5 - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Advertised 11 June 2020

Savernake Road, NW3 - modification to Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Millfield Lane, N6 - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Red Lion Street, Dane Street, WC1R - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Prowse Place, NW1 - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Swain's Lane, N6 - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Advertised 14 May 2020

Savernake Road, NW3 - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Sandall Road, NW1 - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Wilmot Place, NW1 - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Clarence Way, Hartland Road, NW1 - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Advertised 23 April 2020

West End Project - parking restrictions (PDF)

Copies of orders as made: 2020 No. 28 - 2020 No. 29

Advertised 16 April 2020

Calthorpe Street, WC1X - dedicated disabled bay (PDF)

Advertised 16 April 2020

West End Project - moving traffic restrictions (PDF)

Copies of orders as made: 2020 No. 26 - 2020 No. 26/2

Advertised 19 March 2020

Maiden Lane Estate, NW1 - parking restrictions and designation of parking places (PDF)

Decision report

Advertised 5 March 2020

Various streets, Cycle hangars (PDF)

Advertised 20 February 2020

Gaisford Street, Patshull Road, Grove Terrace; NW5: Cycle permeability measures (PDF)

Laystall Street, EC1R: Cycle Permeability measures - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Various streets, Cycle hangars (PDF)

Lawford Road, NW5: Dedicated Disabled bay (PDF)

Advertised 6 February 2020

Junction Protection Programme (phase 1 - Controlled Parking Zones CA-C and CA-F) (PDF)

Goods Way / Pancras Road, N1 - disabled parking bays (PDF)

Advertised 16 January 2020

EV charging points - various locations (PDF)

Gospel Oak highways improvements, phase 1 (PDF)

Cantelowes area improvements, NW1 (PDF)

Advertised 12 December 2019

New End, NW3; Healthy School Street - New End School area - vehicle prohibition - Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Advertised 14 November 2019

Branch Hill, NW3; Canfield Gardens, NW6; Disabled parking bays installation (PDF)

Goldhurst Terrace, NW6; Residents parking space installation (PDF)

College Place, NW1; Leighton Grove, NW5; Removal of residents parking spaces for bicycle hangar installation (PDF)

Advertised 17 October 2019

York Way, N1 - Dedicated Disabled Bay (PDF)

Kidderpore Avenue, NW3 - crossover application (PDF)

Advertised 10 October 2019

Restriction on Engine Idling - boroughwide (PDF)

Advertised 5 September 2019

Oak Village, NW5; crossover application (PDF)

Belsize Road, NW6; loading bay, extension of controlled hours (PDF)

Advertised 28 August 2019

Bus lane amendments (Bloomsbury Way, WC1A, Highgate Road, NW5, Midland Road, NW1) (PDF)

Thanet Street, WC1H. Designation of Business Scheme 'A' bays (PDF)

Advertised 1 August 2019

Iverson Road, NW6. Access for refuse collection vehicles. (PDF)

Daleham Gardens, NW3. Langtry Road, NW6. Minor schemes. (PDF)

Advertised 11 July 2019

Downshire Hill, NW3. Albert Terrace, NW1. Russell Square, WC1B. Camden High Street, NW1. (PDF)

Conversion of parking bays to ice-cream trading bays. Experimental Traffic Order.

Read further information about the Ice Cream licensing scheme.

Advertised 4 July 2019

Millman Street and nearby streets, WC1N. s.106 Development at Great Ormond Street Hospital (PDF)

Oval Road, NW1. Platt's Lane, NW3. Crediton Hill, NW6. Installation of disabled parking bays (PDF)

Advertised 20 June 2019

Brunswick Square, WC1N. Proposed Walking and Cycling Improvements (PDF)

Doric Way / Werrington Street, NW1. Relocation of Car Club bay (PDF)

Marsden Street, NW5. Dedicated Disabled Bay (PDF)

Maple Place, W1T. Loading ban (PDF)

Advertised 23 May 2019

Antrim Grove, NW3. Double yellow lines outside no. 4 (PDF)

Herbal Hill, EC1R. Loading ban (PDF)

Advertised 2 May 2019

Drummond Street, NW1. Contraflow cycling (PDF)

Royal College Street, NW1. Reduction of loading bay operative hours (PDF)

Redhill Street, NW1. Installation of two disabled parking bays (PDF)

Advertised 18 April 2019

Prince of Wales Road, NW5. Walking and cycling improvements (PDF)

Advertised 18 April 2019

Hampstead High Street, NW3. Bus priority measures (PDF)

Advertised 11 April 2019

Nutley Terrace, NW3. School bus parking bays (PDF)

Advertised 14 March 2019

Tavistock Place, WC1H. Cyclist exemption to banned right turn at junction with Judd Street (PDF)

Cotleigh Road, NW6. Revocation of doctors parking place (PDF)

Advertised 28 February 2019

St. Cross Street, EC1N. Contraflow cycling and associated changes to parking restrictions (PDF)

Disabled bays, Loading bays - installation and removal (PDF)

Advertised 21 February 2019

Frederick Street, WC1X. Farringdon area Walking and Cycling Improvements. Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Advertised 14 February 2019

Eyre Street Hill and nearby streets, EC1R. Farringdon area Walking and Cycling Improvements. Experimental Traffic Order (PDF)

Advertised 7 February 2019

Highgate (CA-U) CPZ Review - proposed changes to hours of control (PDF)

Saffron Street, Onslow Street - cycling measures and waiting and loading controls (PDF)

Disabled bays - installation and removal (PDF)

Advertised 24 January 2019

Brecknock Road / Fortess Road junction - pedestrian safety scheme (PDF)

Lamb's Conduit Street / Red Lion Street - cycle quiet way (PDF)

Willes Road / Inkerman Road - parking space relocation (PDF)

Advertised 17 January 2019

Electric Vehicle charging points - various locations. (PDF)

Removal of parking spaces for bicycle hangars - various locations. (PDF)

Advertised 13 December 2018

Savernake Road, NW3 - school safety scheme. Experimental Traffic Order. (PDF)

Advertised 6 December 2018

Heath Street, NW3 - bus priority scheme (PDF)

Ferncroft Avenue, NW3 - school safety scheme (PDF)

Goldhurst Terrace, NW6 - pedestrian safety scheme (PDF)

King Henry's Road, NW1 - pedestrian safety scheme (PDF)

Menelik Road, NW2 - crossover application (PDF)

Advertised 15 November 2018

Greenwood Place, NW5 - s.106 development (PDF)

Advertised 8 November 2018

Midland Road, NW1 - one-way working and stepped cycle tracks (PDF)