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Wendling Estate and St Stephens Close

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Coffee Morning with the CIP team

Come and join us for some hot drinks and biscuits at our coffee morning! Hosted on the following dates;

Monday 12 Febuary 2024, 9am to 11.30am

Monday 11 March 2024, 9am to 11.30am

Monday 15 April 2024, 9am to 11.30am

Location: The Regeneration Hub (blue portakabins) opposite St Martin's Church


The Wendling and St Stephens Close Estate ballot was held from the 21 June 2021 to the 15 July 2021. There was a turnout of 72% of eligible voters who casted their vote. The results showed that 75% of residents voted in favour of regeneration. This result represents a major step forward for the estate. To read more about the outcome of the ballot, please see the Camden newsroom article here.

For the latest update check our newsletter 

Wendling and St Stephens Close Newsletter December 2024


Background and context

Wendling Estate and St Stephens Close  are located in the Gospel Oak ward and consist of 241 homes. Together they cover an area of 2.6 hectares and comprise 194 council tenanted homes and 47 leaseholder homes. The Estate was built in the 1970s with a variety of building types and is typical of social housing built during this period, in terms of construction, layout and design.

In 2010, the Council’s Cabinet identified key challenges facing the Gospel Oak area including those highlighted by local residents. Discussions on residential overcrowding, housing conditions and disrepair, and community safety concerns all showed the need for substantial re-provision and investment in the area.

In the past, the Council has discussed regeneration and investment plans for the area, but it became clear after local wider conversations that any proposals would require a meaningful community-led approach. A Cabinet decision in December 2017 requested a feasibility option appraisal for the Estate with estate-based conversations to take place in the first instance. The Council decided to employ local residents and build a community liaison team to provide support to residents and achieve a meaningful, community-led engagement approach.

Also instrumental to the process has been the establishment of the Wendling and St Stephens Close Steering Group which is made up of residents from both Wendling and St Stephens Close and is chaired by the local Ward Councillor, Councillor Larraine Revah.

The Council’s Cabinet in July 2019 agreed the Council’s preferred option is complete redevelopment of the Estate, Option 3 of the options appraisal. We held an estate ballot from the 21 June 2021 to the 15 July 2021 for eligible estate residents. 

Historical Context and Current Area

Go to the details here (PDF)​

Proposed option

The Project was considered at Camden Council's Cabinet meeting, Item 12 Wendling Estate and St Stephens Close Cabinet Decision July 2019 (PDF)

Go to the details here (PDF) 

Resident Liaison Advisors and Wendling Estate and St Stephens Close Steering Group

The Council has appointed local residents to two roles within the development team: a Strategic Community Liaison Lead and two Community Liaison Advisors (CLAs). The CLA team’s primary function is to engage in meaningful consultation with local estate residents, wider stakeholders, and the local community. The aim is to empower and encourage resident participation in providing essential feedback on the proposals for the future of the Estate. They support a collaborative approach to developing a scheme which provides much needed new homes to meet the wants of estate residents and invests in the local area to ensure long-term benefits for all. The CLA team are a dedicated team who are committed to providing consistent messaging in a way which is easily understood and which forms an inclusive working relationship with all estate residents and wider stakeholders.

In February 2018 a Steering Group was set up for the Estate. Through meeting regularly with the Steering Group and estate residents, we have developed an excellent, vibrant working relationship with all steering group members. The Steering Group is chaired by Councillor Revah.

The CLAs and the Steering Group continue to be instrumental in communicating and empowering residents in shaping the engagement process. They have worked closely to encourage resident participation and engagement by providing regular updates and clear information on the options appraisal process throughout the consultation and engagement with both residents and wider stakeholders.

This is a document presented to Cabinet Committee of Camden Council on 17 July 2019 produced by  Community Liaison Advisors for Gospel Oak (PDF).

Wendling Estate and St Stephens Close Survey

The Gospel Oak Development Team appreciate that the current COVID-19 situation is affecting our residents in various ways, but our aim and objective is to stay in touch with you as well as being inclusive by understanding your specific needs.

We want to continue ensuring you are informed of any news and changes. We are also looking for new ways to continue engaging and communicating with all residents during the pandemic.

We have provided this link to the Wendling Estate and St Stephens Close survey for those of you would find it more convenient to complete submit the survey online, rather than through the post.

Your response and answers will help us to shape and implement new ways to continue our communication approach and engage with all residents.

Previous newsletters and consultation

Feasibility and options

Architects and feasibility work

The Steering Group was involved in the procurement selection and appointment of the architects commissioned to work on feasibility and options designs for the estate. Metropolitan Workshop (Metworks) commenced work in the summer of 2018 and have held a number of workshops and exhibitions, facilitated by the Estate's CLAs.


Consulting residents about the future of their estate

The CLAs have been reaching out to all the residents on the Wendling Estate and St Stephen’s Close and wider stakeholders to consult and talk about the future investment in their area and to seek their views on helping shape the way forward.
Metworks have provided feasibility work on three options for the Estate:

  • Option 1: Low (no demolition of homes and refurbishment),
  • Option 2: Medium (partial demolition and partial refurbishment)
  • Option 3: High (full demolition)  

As part of this process, a Section 105 Consultation (a requirement of the Housing Act 1985) started from 3 May and completed on 31 May 2019.

Resident information

Council Tenants

Below are the relevant documents published for Council tenants living on the Estate:


Resident Leaseholders

Below are the relevant documents published for resident leaseholders living on the Estate:

All PDFs

Non-Resident Leaseholders

Below are the relevant documents published for non-resident leaseholders owning properties on the Estate:


Resident ballot

The Wendling and St Stephens Close ballot
Following resident feedback on future options for the estate, in July 2019 the Council’s Cabinet supported a full redevelopment option of the Wendling and St Stephens Close estate as the best way to meet resident expectations for new homes and improvements. This option was agreed at Cabinet, subject to a resident ballot taking place and a business case coming back to cabinet after ballot. It is Camden’s commitment to residents that their voice will be heard within major decisions about their homes, neighbourhoods and communities. The Council has therefore agreed to adopt GLA requirements for estate regeneration ballots. The Wendling and St Stephens Close ballot papers were post by first class post on Monday 21st June 2021. All residents received their Landlord Offer documents, it was delivered by hand on the 1st June 2021.
The Landlord Offer booklet contains information to help residents make a choice as to whether to vote “Yes” or “No” in the ballot. This determined the redevelopment proposal. The proposal looks to replace the existing 241 council homes with the delivery of approximately 650-750 new homes, this includes the guarantee of a new council home for all existing council tenants, meaning a property that meets residents needs as well as affording private play space for estate residents’ children.
Also detailed in the Landlord Offer is our commitment to all leaseholders. We will ensure a fair offer to all resident leaseholders to help them stay on the new estate if they wish to. We will ensure that all leaseholders will be offered the choice of buying a new home on the estate or selling their home to the council.
We want the new estate to offer a safe and secure home for all residents, regardless of tenure type

The estate ballot was carried out independently by Civica Elections Services. The votes were closed on the 15th July 2021 during the period of voting there were videos on the Camden Website which explained the ballot process, and videos explaining how to cast your vote. The result of the ballot was posted to residents on 23 July 2021. 

Contact us

Visit our Community Liaison Advisers, Terry, Strategic Community Liaison Lead,  Suzanna, Community Liaison Advisors at Gospel Oak Hub, located in the blue Portakabins, opposite St Martin’s Church, Wellesley Road NW5 4PA. You can drop by the Hub at any time (8am to 4pm, weekdays). The Community Liaison Advisors  also run a coffee morning every Friday 9.30am–12pm.  Everyone is welcome.