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Torrington Tavistock Public Inquiry

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Torrington Tavistock Public Inquiry

On 22 February 2017, Cabinet resolved that the proposed Order should be pursued, subject to relevant statutory processes being followed. The Order has the sole effect of reproducing and continuing in force indefinitely the provisions of the experimental traffic order. This included the holding of a Public Inquiry conducted by an independent Inspector, which gave people likely to be affected by the proposed Order the opportunity to make representations on it. 

A Public Inquiry for the Torrington Place to Tavistock Place Traffic Order was held over a 4 week period from Tuesday 10 October 2017 to Thursday 2 November 2017 in the Council Chamber at the offices of the London Borough of Camden. 

Please note that the Public Inquiry has now concluded. We would like to thank all of those organisations and individuals who appeared at and participated in the recent Inquiry. We appreciate that this involved a significant commitment in terms of time and energy and are most grateful for your contribution.

See the Inspector’s Report (PDF)

This is the report as received from the Planning Inspectorate on 16 May 2018.  Contrary to the Council's expectation, it wasn't received in a draft form, so the Council has not had an opportunity to engage in any fact-checking exercise.  It is therefore published as released by the Planning Inspectorate (subject to the redactions explained below).  

Prior to publishing this Report on our website, the Council has checked that references in the report to individuals which contain personal and/or sensitive data had previously been disclosed in the statements, proofs of evidence and other documents published on the Public Inquiry page on the Council’s website.

The Council has noted that section 7 of the Report (setting out written representations received by the Inspector) contains at paragraphs 7.3.1, 7.4.1 and 7.5.1 personal data that has not previously been published on the Public Inquiry page on the Council’s website. In the interest of publishing the report as soon as possible the Council has redacted the individuals’ names for the moment and will seek to establish from those assisting the Inspector whether the data subjects consent to publication of their personal data on the Council’s website.

See the Traffic Orders Notice



Mr Martin Elliott, B.Sc FIPROW, an independent inspector, was appointed to conduct the Inquiry.  Pauline Butcher was appointed as Programme Officer (PO) for this Inquiry. Her contact details are:

Telephone: 07823 494353

Email: [email protected]

A pre-Inquiry Meeting (PIM) took place on Thursday 31 August and the Inspector has issued a Note of the Meeting (ID3), which the PO has distributed to interested parties.

This website will be updated with the latest documents as issued.

All links lead to PDFs unless otherwise stated

Draft Traffic Order:

Draft Traffic Order

Draft Inquiry Programme:

Draft Inquiry Programme 

Inquiry Documents:

ID1 Inspector’s Pre-Inquiry Note 
ID2 London Borough of Camden Statement of Case 
ID2 A London Borough of Camden Statement of Case list of appendices

ID2 Appendices:

London Borough of Camden Officers' Report to Cabinet
Appendix A Legal Implications 
Appendix B Pre-consultation stakeholder feedback
Appendix C Consultation responses, results and discussions
Appendix D Highway layout and traffic assessment of Alternative Scheme Proposals
Appendix E Torrington Tavistock Trial Equality Assessment Impact
Appendix F Public Health, Physical Activity and Air Quality, supporting information
Appendix Gi LTDA campaign
Appendix Gii Camden Cyclists campaign material
Appendix H Bloomsbury Residents' Association Group Petition Cover Sheets
Location and effect of Proposed Traffic Order Maps 1 2 3 4 
Plan 1 Torrington Tavistock Trial Location
Plan 2 West End Project Location
Plan 3 North South Cycle Super Highway Location
Plan 4 Brunswick Square Scheme Location

ID2 References:

Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs, Department for Transport, (2017 July). Air Quality Plan for nitrogen dioxide in the UK
Department for Transport, (2014, October) The Draft National Cycling Delivery Plan
Department for Transport, (2017, April) Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy
Department for Transport, (2017, April) Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans
Greater London Authority, (2010, April) Mayor's Transport Strategy
Greater London Authority, (2013, March) Vision for Cycling
Greater London Authority, (2016, October) A City for all Londoners
Greater London Authority,  (2017, June) Mayor’s Transport Strategy
Greater London Authority, (2017, August) Mayor's Environment Strategy
Public Health England, (2013, November) Obesity and the environment
Public Health England, (2014, October) Healthy People, Healthy Places Programme
Public Health England, (2016, May) Working Together to Promote Active Travel – A briefing for local authorities
Public Health England, (2017, February) Public Health Outcomes Framework Indicators at a glance
The London Borough of Camden, (2011, August) Camden's Transport Strategy
The London Borough of Camden, (2012) The Camden Plan
The London Borough of Camden, (2016) Camden’s Clean Air Action Plan 2016-18
The London Borough of Camden, NHS (2016, January) Camden’s Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
Transport for London,  (2010) Pedestrian Comfort Level Guidance
Transport for London, (2014, December). LCDS Chapter 2 CLOS extract
Transport for London, (2017, April) Have your say on changes to the central London Ultra Low Emission Zone
Transport for London, (2017, February) Healthy Streets for London
Transport for London, (2017, February) Strategic Cycling Analysis
UK Parliament, (2010) Equalities Act 2010
UK Parliament, (2015) The Infrastructure Act 
University College London Hospitals NHS, (2015/16) Annual report and accounts 2015-16

Core Documents:

Core Document List 
CD1-1 Working Together to Promote Active Travel
CD1-2 Everybody active, every day
CD1-3 Obesity and the environment: increasing physical activity and active travel
CD1-4 UK plan for tackling roadside nitrogen dioxide concentrations
CD1-5 Department for Transport Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy
CD1-6 Public Health England Working Together to Promote Active Travel
CD1-7 Public Health Outcomes Framework
CD1-8 NICE Physical Activity and the Environment
CD1-9 Built Environment and Physical Activity
CD1-10 Start Active Stay Active
CD1-11 Annual Report of the Chief Medical Officer
CD1-12 Department for Transport Cycling Delivery Plan
CD1-13 Department for Transport Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans
CD1-15 Air Quality and Social Deprivation in the UK
CD1-16 Department for Transport  - Adjacent and Shared Use Facilities for Pedestrians and Cyclists
CD1-17 Introduction
CD1-18 Design Manual for Roads and Bridges
CD1-19 Equality Act 2010
CD1-20 Infrastructure Act 2015
CD1-21 Traffic Management Act 2004
CD1-22 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984
CD1-23 Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs Local Air Quality Management
CD2-1 Mayor's Draft Transport Strategy
CD2-2 Mayor of London London Environment Strategy
CD2-3 Transport for London Healthy Streets for London
CD2-4 Mayor of London A City for All Londoners
CD2-5 Mayoral Foreword
CD2-6 Transport for London Mayor's Vision for Cycling in London
CD2-7 Transport for London Travel in London
CD2-8 Pedestrian Comfort Guidance for London
CD2-9 London Cycling Design Standard Draft Consultation
CD2-10 Transport for London Strategic Cycling Analysis
CD2-12 London Cycling Design Standards
CD2-13 Jacobs Ultra Low Emission Zone
CD2- 14 Transport for London Have Your Say on Changes to Central London Ultra Low Emission Zone
CD2-15 Transport for London Operational Modelling and Visualisation
CD3-1 London Borough of Camden's Transport Strategy
CD3-2 The Camden Plan
CD3-4 Camden's Clean Air Action Plan
CD3-5 Camden's Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
CD3-6 Bloomsbury Conservation Area
CD3-7 Green Action for Change
CD3-8 Footway Details
CD4-1 Tavistock Torrington Drawing The Corridor
CD5-1 Road Task Force
CD5-2 University College London Annual Report
CD5-3 Transport for London Scheme Impact Assessment Decision Letter
CD5-4 International Cycling Infrastructure Best Practice Study
CD5-5 - Street Gazetteer
CD5-6-1 University College London Hospitals 
CD5-6-2 University College London Hospitals 18 October 2016
CD5-6-3 University College London Hospitals 26 May 2017 
CD6-1-1 Torrington Place to Tavistock Place Experimental Traffic Changes Report
CD6-1-2 Decision Sheet 
CD6-2 Report of Cabinet Member for Regeneration Transport and Planning 
CD6-2 Gii A Safer Bloomsbury for All
CD6-2-A Appendix A Legal Implications 
CD6-2-B Appendix B Pre Consultation Stakeholder Feedback
CD6-2-C Appendix C Consultation Responses
CD6-2-D Appendix D Highway Layout and Traffic Assessments of Alternative Scheme Proposal 
CD6-2-E Equality Impact Assesment
CD6-2-F Appendix F Public Health Physical Activity and Air Quality 
CD6-2-Gi LTDA 
CD6-2-H BRAG Petition 
CD6-3 Torrington Place to Tavistock Place Temporary Trial of Traffic Changes 
CD6-4 Map 1 of 4 Torrington Place to Tavistock Place location and effect of Proposed Traffic Order 
CD6-5 Plan 1 Torrington Tavistock Trial Location 
CD6-6 Plan 2 West End Project Location 
CD6-7 Plan 3 North South Cycle Super Highway Location
CD6-8 Plan 4 Brunswick Square Scheme Location
CD6-9 Consultation Torrington Place Tavistock Place route 
CD6-10 The Environment Information Regulations 2004
CD6-14 Initial Data Analysis: Gordon Square and Tavistock Monitors 
CD6-15 Updated Data analysis: Gordon Square and Tavistock Monitors
CD6-16 MHC-197-16 Queue Length Survey - All Sites 
CD6-17 Record response for Torrington Place Tavistock Place route consultation 
CD7-ID1 Pre Inquiry Note 
CD7 - ID2 Statement of Case Index 
CD7-ID3 Inspector's Note of Pre Inquiry Meeting
CD7-ID4 Proof of Evidence Index 
CD7-ID5 The Camden Traffic Order Public Inquiry

Statements of Case:

London Borough of Camden
1/1 - Guilford Court Residents
1/1a – Guilford Court Residents
1/2 Guildford Street Residents Associations
3/1 - Camden Cycling Campaign, including London Cycling Campaign
4/1 - Unite the Union
5/1 - University of London
6/1 - Living Streets Camden
7/1 - National Union of Rail, Maritime  Transport Workers Taxi Branch (RMT)
8/1 - WSP report City Air Quality at Height
9/1 - Imperial London Hotels Limited (the ILHL)
10/1 - Michael Gwinnell
10/1a - Michael Gwinnell
11/1 - Bloomsbury Association
12/1 - Tamar House RTM Company Ltd, 13 Tavistock Place Freehold Ltd and Residents of 11 Tavistock Place
14/1 - Licensed Taxi Drivers' Association (LTDA)
15/1 - Friends of Tavistock Square
16/1 - Gordon Mansions Residents Association
17/1 - Confederation of Passenger Transport
17/1a - Confederation of Passenger Transport
18/1 - BRAG - Bloomsbury Residents' Action Group
20/1 - 54 Russell Square Residents Assn / Commissioners of Russell Square
21/1 - University College London (UCL)
22/1 - Dr Evelyn Abberton and Professor Adrian Fourcin
23/1 - Transport for London 
26/1 – Bedford Estates
26/2 – Bedford Estates
27/1 – Richard Walker
27/1a – Richard Walker 

ID3 Inspectors notes from pre inquiry meeting

ID4 Proofs of Evidence:

The London Borough of Camden's Proof of Evidence (Louise McBride)
Torrington Trial 
The London Borough of Camden's Proof of Evidence (Simi Shah)

Simi Shah Appendices

Simi Shah Appendix 1
Simi Shah Appendix 2
Simi Shah Appendix 3
Simi Shah Appendix 4
Simi Shah Appendix 5

The London Borough of Camden's Proof of Evidence (David Carter)
The London Borough of Camden's Proof of Evidence (Tony Dichev)
The London Borough of Camden's Proof of Evidence (Adam Webber)
The London Borough of Camden's Proof of Evidence (Jason Strelitz)

Jason Strelitz Appendices:

Jason Strelitz Appendix 1
Jason Strelitz Appendix 2
Jason Strelitz Appendix 3
Jason Strelitz Appendix 4
Jason Strelitz Appendix 5
Jason Strelitz Appendix 6
Jason Strelitz Appendix 7
Jason Strelitz Appendix 8
Jason Strelitz Appendix 9
Jason Strelitz Appendix 10
Jason Strelitz Appendix 11
Jason Strelitz Appendix 12
Jason Strelitz Appendix 13
Jason Strelitz Appendix 14
Jason Strelitz Appendix 15
Jason Strelitz Appendix 16
Jason Strelitz Appendix 17
Jason Strelitz Appendix 18
Jason Strelitz Appendix 19
Jason Strelitz Appendix 20
Jason Strelitz Appendix 21
Jason Strelitz Appendix 22 

Response Documents:

Camden Response Document
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3 (Superseded)
Adam Webber Air Quality Note 
London Borough of Camden Note on Appendix Traffic Flows 
Appendix 3 Traffic Flow (Revised)
Adam Webber Air Quality Note 19
Systra Note on Bloomsbury Box Vehicle Kilometre Changes
Systra Note on One Model Validation
Corrected Page 23 of Camden Response Document
Parking Information Transport for London
Revisions to update RMT Figures 1 to 4
Response to new RMT evidence at Inquiry (Great Russell Street)
Response to new RMT evidence at Inquiry (Euston Road / Gordon Street)
ILHL and Camden Note Relating to Common Ground

ID4 Proofs of Evidence List

3/2/1 Dollimore Proof of Evidence
3/2/1A Dollimore Combined Reference
3/2/2 Munk Proof of Evidence
3/2/3 Aldred Proof of Evidence

3/2/4 Walford Proof of Evidence
3/2/4A TP V7- Broadband High
3/2/5 Walford Proof of Evidence
3/2/6 Coulouris Proof of Evidence
3/2/7 Maeer Proof of Evidence
3/2/8 Till Proof of Evidence
3/2/9 Clement Proof of Evidence
3/2/9A Clement Combined Evidence
3/2/10 Azzam Proof of Evidence
3/2/11 Chico Proof of Evidence
3/2/12 Tanqueray Proof of Evidence

5/2 University of London Proof of Evidence

6/2/1 London Living Streets Proof of Evidence

7/2 National Union of Rail, Maritime Transport Workers Taxi Branch (RMT) Proof of Evidence
9/2 ILHL Index of Documents

14/2 LTDA Proof of Evidence
14/2 LTDA Exhibits Vol 1
14/2 LTDA Exhibits Vol 2
14/2 LTDA Exhibits Vol 3
14/2 LTDA Exhibits Vol 4
14/2 LTDA Exhibits Vol 5
15/2 Friends of Tavistock Square Proof of Evidence
16/2 Gordon Mansions Residents Association (GMRA) Proof of Evidence
16/2 GMRA A to C Appendices
16/2 GMRA D to F Appendices
17/2 Confederation of Passenger Transport (CPP) Proof of Evidence

18/2 Bloomsbury Residents' Action Group (BRAG) 

Emergency Vehicles Videos:

Ambulance Delayed by Queuing Traffic
Fire Engine at Full Speed onto oncoming traffic
Paramedic on bicycle forced to weave around traffic
Police delayed and forced onto oncoming traffic
Unmarked Police Car forced into oncoming traffic
Ambulance delayed by oncoming traffic
Police Vehicles nearly collide 

General Videos of stop start traffic on Judd Street:

2 Mins Traffic with cyclists scooters endangered
3 Mins of Traffic on Judd Street with cyclists scooters endangered
Bicycle hits coach damages bike
Hooting cabs because of disabled driver stopping
Judd Street queuing both ways
Stop Start Traffic congestion Judd Street – polluting endangering road users and pedestrians
Truck hits tree due to queuing traffic in the way

18/2/1 BRAG Proof of Evidence 1 Traffic Displaced from Tavistock Square 
18/2/2 BRAG Proof of Evidence 2 The Flawed Consultation and Information Process 
18/2/3 BRAG Proof of Evidence 3  FOI Request for Data
18/2/4 BRAG Proof of Evidence 4 Stop-Start traffic and consequent pollution 
18/2/5 BRAG Proof of Evidence 5 Accident Information and cycling safety 
18/2/5a BRAG Proof of Evidence 
18/2/5b BRAG Proof of Evidence
18/2/5c BRAG Proof of Evidence
18/2/5d BRAG Proof of Evidence
18/2/5e BRAG Proof of Evidence
18/2/6 BRAG Proof of Evidence 6 Increased Risk to cyclists in surrounding  streets
18/2/7 BRAG Proof of Evidence 7 Routes designated for emergency vehicles
18/2/8 BRAG Proof of Evidence 8 Problems caused to hospital patients and staff
18/2/8a BRAG Proof of Evidence
18/2/8b BRAG Proof of Evidence
18/2/8c BRAG Proof of Evidence
18/2/9 BRAG Proof of Evidence Problems caused for people with impaired mobility
18/2/9a BRAG Proof of Evidence
18/2/9b BRAG Proof of Evidence
18/2/9c BRAG Proof of Evidence
18/2/9d BRAG Proof of Evidence
18/2/10 BRAG Proof of Evidence 10 Practical Problems for residents and local businesses 
18/2/10a BRAG Proof of Evidence
18/2/10b BRAG Proof of Evidence
18/2/10c BRAG Proof of Evidence
18/2/11 BRAG Proof of Evidence 11
18/2/12 BRAG Proof of Evidence 12 Commentary on Council's critique of BRAG proposal
18/2/13 BRAG Proof of Evidence 13 BRAG commentary on Council's Statement of Case
18/2/14 BRAG Proof of Evidence 14 Content of videos
18/2/15 BRAG Proof of Evidence 15 Pedestrian accidents and safety

21/2 University College London (UCL) Proof of Evidence

24/2 Bloomsbury Conservation Area Advisory Committee (BCAAC)  Proof of Evidence
24/2 BCAAC Appendix 1
24/2 BCAAC Appendix 2
24/2 BCAAC Appendix 3
24/2 BCAAC Appendix 4
24/2 BCAAC Appendix 5
24/2 BCAAC Appendix 6
24/2 BCAAC Appendix 7
24/2 BCAAC Appendix 8 
24/2 BCAAC Appendix 9

Closing Submissions:

London Borough of Camden Tavistock Torrington Closing
London Borough of Camden Annex A-C
London Borough of Camden Annex D
BCAAC Concluding Statement
3-3 Camden Cycling Campaign Closing Submission
14 LTDA Closing Statement
14-3 ILHL Closing Submission
16-3 GMRA Closing Submission
18-3 BRAG Summing up