The champion for everyone who uses local health and social care services
Healthwatch helps to get your views heard in order to ensure that services are designed around the needs of people who use them. Healthwatch gathers what people say and uses this to help shape health and adult social care services.
Healthwatch Camden will also provide you with information about local health and care services and help when things go wrong. It can refer you to an independent person who can support you in making a complaint.
Advocacy services in Camden
An advocate is someone who speaks for someone else, or supports you to speak for yourself. It could be a friend or relative, or a specially trained person from an advocacy service.
POhWER – Independent Health Complaints Advocacy Service, provide independent support and discussing of options with concerns or complaints regarding any NHS funded services.
Helpline: 0300 456 2370
Email: [email protected]
For more information about advocacy services for adults living in Camden, please visit Camden Care Choices.