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Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board

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Safeguarding adults in Camden

Everyone has the right to live a life that is free from abuse, harm and neglect.  

To find out about Camden's approach to safeguarding in the borough, watch this animation in English, Somali and Sylheti

If you're worried about an adult, call 020 7974 4000 and select 'Option 1', or email  [email protected] .  

If you think an adult is in immediate danger, call the police on 999 (urgent) or dial 101 (non-urgent).

Deaf or Hard of Hearing people who use British Sign Language (BSL) can contact Camden Council using our Sign Video Web Access, an online sign language interpreting service. The service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and will require a webcam.

An adult with care and support needs may be more at risk of, or already experiencing, abuse or neglect because they:

  • are unable to take care of themselves or protect themselves from harm,
  • depend on others for their care,
  • lack the mental capacity to take a particular decision.

If you are concerned about an adult please email [email protected] .

Safeguarding adults training

It is the responsibility of each organisation to make sure safeguarding training is delivered effectively to its own staff. This includes:

  • employers 
  • student bodies 
  • voluntary organisations 

Training should take place at all levels in an organisation and no staff groups should be excluded. This training should be updated regularly to reflect current best practice.

Types of safeguarding training 

Introduction: for everyone 

Everyone should complete Introduction to Safeguarding training to understand the signs of abuse and the duty to report. You may want to use our free online Introduction to safeguarding course

Watch our animation to find out Camden's approach to Safeguarding in the borough.   

Awareness: for most staff members 

More detailed awareness training will be required by most staff members. This will include training on the responsibilities in your organisation.  

If your organisation feels less able to meet your staff’s basic safeguarding learning requirements, please contact our Safeguarding Board Manager.  

Specialist: for managers and specific roles 

Specialist training must be provided for: 

  • managers 
  • people who receive enquiries 
  • specific roles, for example elected members or Healthwatch members 

Advanced training should also be made available to: 

  • people who work with more complex enquiries 
  • those who act as their organisation’s expert in a particular field, for example legal or social work 
  • those who provide medical or nursing advice to the organisation or the Board 

If you feel you have specialist or advanced training requirements that you cannot meet, please contact our Safeguarding Board Manager

7-minute briefings

We understand it can be hard to find the time for learning and development, but learning for 7 minutes is manageable in most services.  

Warwickshire safeguarding has 7-minute briefings on a range of safeguarding topics to support your learning. 

More learning opportunities 

For more safeguarding learning opportunities: 

If you are a small local voluntary, community, charity or not-for-profit organisation, you can get limited access to the Council’s training. For more information, please contact [email protected]

Camden Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board (Camden SAPB)

What is the Camden Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board?

The Camden Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board is a statutory multi-agency board that is committed to protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. It has overall responsibility for co-coordinating safeguarding adult matters and ensuring that partner agencies carry out safeguarding adults work.

What the Board does

The board meets quarterly and their work includes:

  • co-ordinating activity between agencies
  • facilitating joint training
  • monitoring and reviewing progress in safeguarding practice
  • developing ways of working which will improve our ability to support Camden residents across the community to live a life free from abuse
  • learning from lessons where people have not been adequately protected

How does the Camden Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board aim to meet this?

By fostering strong relationships with all its partner agencies and other strategic boards, to demonstrate a real commitment to ensuring that adults in Camden live a life free of abuse and neglect.

This includes partners and members feeling able to challenge each other and other organisations where it believes actions or inactions are increasing the risk of abuse or neglect. It is also about identifying arrangements for monitoring and reviewing the implementation and impact of policy and training.

At the same time, it’s about making sure that the adult’s wellbeing is being promoted including, having regard to their views, wishes, feelings and beliefs in deciding on any action. It must be recognised that adults sometimes have complex interpersonal relationships and may be ambivalent, unclear or unrealistic about their personal circumstances.

The Care Act

The Care Act 2014 provided a formal statutory base for safeguarding adult boards. This has enabled the Board to deliver a more robust challenge and ensure greater consistency in safeguarding arrangements throughout Camden.

Camden SAPB has three core duties which the Care Act 2014 sets out. These include developing and publishing an annual strategic plan, publishing an annual report which sets out what we have achieved, and commissioning a Safeguarding Adults Review where serious abuse or death has occurred and to ensure lessons learnt.

Definition of Adult Safeguarding

The statutory framework introduced under the Care Act applies to any person aged 18 or above who:

  • has needs for care and support (regardless of the level of need and whether or not the local authority is meeting any of those needs)
  • is experiencing, or is at risk of abuse or neglect, and
  • as a result of those needs, is unable to protect themselves against the abuse or neglect or the risk of it.

Who sits on Camden SAPB?

  • Camden Council: Adult Social Care, Housing, Community Safety, Integrated Commissioning, Camden Learning Disabilities Service (CLDS)
  • NHS NCL Integrated Care Board (NHS North Central London) formerly NCL CCG
  • Metropolitan Police Service in Camden
  • Camden & Islington Cluster National Probation Service
  • London Ambulance Service NHS Trust
  • Camden and Islington Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust
  • Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust
  • Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
  • Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust
  • University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
  • Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust
  • London Fire Brigade in Camden
  • Voluntary sector organisations – Age UK Camden, Hopscotch Women’s Centre, Camden Carers
  • Public Health Camden & Islington
  • Healthwatch Camden

What should I do if I suspect abuse?

If you are worried about an adult please call 020 7974 4444  and say 'Adult Social Care' when prompted or email [email protected] . If you think an adult is in immediate danger you should call the police on 999 (urgent) or dial 101 (non-urgent) .

If you are a non-member of the public, please visit this page and complete the form to report suspected abuse Camden SAPB multi-agency safeguarding adults referral form


At present, Camden SAPB has two sub-groups which support the development of specific areas in preventing and responding to the abuse of adults at risk. In addition there may be occasions the SAPB will establish specific, time-limited task and finish groups to report on particular topics according to the work required.


Safeguarding Adult Reviews Sub Group

Terms of reference

Quality & Performance Sub Group

Terms of reference

Learning and Development Sub Group

Terms of reference

Safeguarding Engagement Sub Group

Terms of reference


Types of abuse

There are many different types of abuse. Some examples are:

  • Physical: Where physical acts of violence, or threats of violence or intimidation, are used against a person, including assault, hitting, slapping, pushing, misuse of medication, restraint, or inappropriate physical sanctions.
  • Organisational: The mistreatment of an individual(s) due to poor or inadequate practices, systems, or care within a care setting. This includes neglect and poor care practice within an institution, unsafe handling and the covering up of incidents.
  • Sexual: Abusive sexual behaviour towards another person, covering a range of behaviours including rape, sexual assault, harassment, inappropriate looking or touching, subjection to pornography or sexual acts to which the adult has not consented, or was pressured into consenting, and publishing sexual images without consent.
  • Modern slavery: Slavery typically occurs where people are being exploited or controlled by another person and are unable to leave their situation. There are eight key forms of modern slavery: forced labour; debt bondage; prostitution; domestic servitude; criminal exploitation; child exploitation; forced marriage; and organ harvesting.
  • Emotional/Psychological: The frequent and deliberate use of words and non-physical actions with the intention of manipulating, scaring or hurting an individual. This includes emotional abuse, threats of harm or abandonment, humiliation, blaming, controlling, intimidation, isolation, or unreasonable and unjustified withdrawal of services or supportive networks.
  • Financial/material: When someone takes or misuses someone else's money or belongings for their own gain. This includes theft, fraud, internet scamming, coercion in relation to an adult's financial transactions, or the misuse or misappropriation of property, possessions or benefits.
  • Domestic abuse: Incidents or patterns of behaviour that are violent, controlling, coercive, threatening or degrading towards a person who is or has been a close intimate partner or family member. This includes psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional abuse; 'honour' based violence; and coercive control which is an act or a pattern of acts of assault, threats, humiliation, and intimidation.
  • Neglect/acts of omission: When a person(s) fails to do something, leading to the individual potentially being harmed. This includes ignoring medical, emotional or physical care needs, failure to provide access to appropriate health, care and support, or educational services, and the withholding of the necessities of life, such as medication, adequate nutrition, and heating.
  • Self-neglect: Defined as an extreme lack of self-care to the extent where it may threaten someone's health and safety. This covers a wide range of behaviours, including neglecting to care for one's personal hygiene, health or surroundings and includes hoarding.
  • Discriminatory: Where abuse is targeted towards someone because of their age, gender, sexuality, disability, religion, class, culture, language, race, or ethnic origin.

SAPB publications

Distraction Burglaries

SAPB Cuckooing guidance June 2023

Cuckooing guidance flow chart June 2023

Multi-Agency Self-Neglect Toolkit 2020

Safeguarding Leaflet Oct 2019

Safeguarding Board Strategy 2023-2028

Safeguarding Board Strategy 2018 - 2021

Annual Delivery Plan 2020-2021

Annual Delivery Plan 2019 to 2020

Annual Report 2022 - 2023

Annual Report 2021 - 2022

Annual Report 2020 - 2021

Annual Report 2019 - 2020

Annual Report 2018 - 2019

Annual Report 2017 - 2018

London Multi-Agency Adult Safeguarding Policy & Procedures

Camden SAPB SAR leaflet for Professionals

Camden SAPB SAR Leaflet for Families, Friends, Carers

Safeguarding Adults Review Framework - October 2019

SAPB Multi-Agency Escalation and Resolution Procedure

Safeguarding Adults Review (SARs): 2023 - "Matthew"

Camden SAPB Chair Statement regarding "Matthew"

SAR Report "Matthew" 2023

Matthew SAR 7 minute briefing

Safeguarding Adults Review (SARs): 2022 - "Mark"

Camden SAPB Chair Statement regarding "Mark"

SAR Report "Mark" 2022

Mark SAR 7 minute briefing

Safeguarding Adults Review (SARs): 2021 - "Judith"

Camden SAPB Chair Statement regarding "Judith"

SAR Report "Judith" 2021

Safeguarding Adults Review (SARs): 2020 - "Hannah"

Camden SAPB Chair Statement regarding "Hannah"

SAR Report "Hannah" 2020

Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs): 2020 - "Mr V"

Camden SAPB Chair Statement regarding “Mr V”

Mr V SAR Report

Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs): 2020 - "UU"

Camden SAPB Chair Statement regarding "UU"

SAPB Report "UU" 2020

Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs):  2019 – Adult W

Camden SAPB Chair Statement regarding Adult W 2019

SAR Report Adult W 2019

Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs): 2017 – “YY”

Camden SAPB Chair Statement regarding Chair Statement regarding “YY” 

SAR Report “YY” 2017

Serious Case Reviews (SARs): 2015 – “ZZ”

Camden SAPB Chair Statement regarding "ZZ"

SAR report "ZZ" 2015

Related links

Learning Disabilities in the justice system

A group of eight Learning Disability Nurses, with the generous support of The Burdett Trust for Nursing, have launched 'Think COULD', an original animated feature aimed at raising awareness of the need for improved support for individuals with learning disabilities within the justice system


Trading Standards - Financial Abuse

As part of London Trading Standards Week there is a one hour virtual training session on loan sharks:

Could you spot an Illegal Lender?

The session will include key things to look out for as a sign that a friend, client or colleague may be involved with an illegal lender. It will show the impact that illegal lenders have on people and communities, and how we can work together to stop people falling into the clutches of criminals.

Click on this link for general awareness short animation

'Stop Loan Sharks' lesson plan for videos and fun activities that help teach children good money habits for life - download for free here

The England Illegal Moneylending team investigates and prosecutes illegal money lenders and supports those who have borrowed money from a loan shark.

To get help or reports concerns: use the online form Report a loan shark

Call 0300 555 2222 any time, day or night

Email [email protected]  monitored 8am-6pm Monday to Friday

Text the lenders' details to 07860 022 116

Live chat 9-5 Monday to Friday via Stop Loan Sharks

Persons in Positions of Trust Policy (PiPoT)

Need to call your bank? Dial 159 for safety (

Little Book of Big Scams - 5th Edition

Utilities United Against Scams

Action Fraud

Action Fraud to protect your pension

Watch out for scams related to NHS Test and Trace

Keeping you safe

Coronavirus (Covid-19) advice, resources and insight for social care

Protect social care

ADASS Improvement Programme

Related Matters - Safeguarding Adults Reviews

Local Government Association National Reviews of SARs

Briefing for individuals and their families - Analysis of Safeguarding Adults Reviews

Briefing for practitioners - Analysis of Safeguarding Adults Reviews

SARs published by other boards

Lewisham SAB

Tyrone Goodyear - published 12 June 2020

Tyrone was a 24-year old man who committed suicide in February 2019. The review examines the circumstances and issues leading up to Tyrone's death, including homelessness (amid the 'housing crisis'), mental ill-health and suicide prevention , all linked to Autism Spectrum Condition and learning difficulties.

Find the 7 Minute Briefing

Find the full report

Coronavirus & other information and links:

Chartered Trading Standards Institute scam

Covid online vaccination scam

Covid-19 SMS and Text Message Scams

Coronavirus Fraud Alert

Friends Against Scams

Age UK Camden Flyer

A guide for victims and survivors of domestic abuse

Covid-19 Ethical Framework Principles

Information from the Deaf Sign Health Charity

Home Office New Statutory guidance for Modern Slavery

Safeguarding adults in practice

Home Office leaflet on Safeguarding Coronavirus scams alert