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Redington and Frognal Neighbourhood Forum

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Redington and Frognal Neighbourhood Forum


The Council formally adopted the Redington Frognal Neighbourhood Plan on 13 September 2021.

Key documents

Stages in the preparation of the Redington Frognal Neighbourhood Plan are set out in time order below.

Redington Frognal Area and Forum applications

On 5 September 2014 the Council approved the designation of the Redington Frognal Neighbourhood Area and Neighbourhood Forum. Public consultation on the associated applications took place between 26 June and 8 August 2014. 

The 2014 approved applications can be viewed below. They show the area in which the neighbourhood planning powers apply.

The Redington Frognal Neighbourhood Forum was redesignated for another 5 years on 25 October 2019.

​​Plan Submission

Redington Frognal Neighbourhood Forum submitted its proposed Neighbourhood Plan to Camden Council.  All documents are PDFs.

Additionally, the Forum submitted a document setting out complementary actions which are intended to help to deliver the Neighbourhood Plan.  This does not contain planning policies and therefore does not form a part of the statutory development plan for the area.

The consultation responses can be viewed here:


Camden with support from the Redington Frognal Neighbourhood Forum appointed Mr Tony Burton CBE BA MPhil (Town Planning) FRIBA FRSA to undertake the examination for the Redington Frognal Neighbourhood Plan.

The Examiner's report sent to the Council on 24 December 2020 stated that subject to modifications being made the Plan met the Basic Conditions and should proceed to referendum.

The documents below are correspondence between the Examiner, Forum and Council.

​​​​​​The Examiner sent a series of questions to the Council and Forum on 25th November 2020: 

​​​​​Examiner questions 

LB Camden response 

Redington Frognal Forum response 

Forum response Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3 

The Examiner sent further questions to the Forum on 4 December 2020:

Examiner additional questions 

Redington Frognal Forum response

Forum response Appendices

Decision Statement

The Council considered the Examiner's report and decided on 26 March 2021 to accept the Examiner's recommendations and publish the Decision Statement. 


A referendum was held on the 17 June 2021 where all eligible voters were asked:

"Do you want the London Borough of Camden to use the Neighbourhood Plan for the Redington Frognal Neighbourhood Area to help decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?"

Of the votes cast, 88% supported the Council using the Plan, 12% voted against. The turnout was 19%.

On being approved at referendum, the Plan became part of the development plan in the neighbourhood area.

Neighbourhood Plan 'made' (adopted) 13 September 2021

Forum's website

You can find more information on the Redington Frognal Forum website.