Local authorities have the same safeguarding responsibilities for children educated at home as for other children. They should be ready to use safeguarding powers appropriately, when warranted.
Child protection issues may arise in relation to elective home education and where appropriate referrals will be made to Children’s Safeguarding and Social Work (Social Services). Referrals may be discussed with parents before they are made, except if it is felt that to do so would put the child at further risk of harm.
When there are concerns about the education provided and a parent does not engage with attempts to contact them within a calendar month from the first notification, the case is discussed with the Development Co-ordinator in the Pupil Attendance Service and or Children’s Safeguarding and Social Work (Social Services). Where appropriate a referral to social services will be made to follow up concerns. When there have been previous child protection concerns this referral may be made earlier after discussion with the Pupil Attendance Service and the duty social worker.
Camden Early Help is a way of getting extra support for families when they need help to find a solution to problems they may be facing. Parents can access programmes and workshops that work to build on the parent and child relationship positive communication, self-esteem and self-care. This can also include behaviour management strategies and resilience building.
Home educated pupils are not automatically vulnerable but for those children who are Camden is committed to supporting them.
Where a child is made subject to a child protection plan or is currently subject to a child protection plan, or is child in need, the conference chair/ chair of the child in need meeting will need to re-considered the safeguarding plans in light of this information. The above professionals and allocated social worker will ensure that the plan may include increased home visits to regularly check that the child is safe and that meetings with the EHE team are at agreed and appropriate intervals will form part of any future agreement with the family.
For new home education children we will consider the following vulnerable groups and we will ask to meet with the parent and the child to ensure that the there is a suitable education plan in place.
Camden view the following groups as vulnerable:
- Children who are looked after or previously looked after by a local authority
- Children who are subject to a current Child Protection Plan or a Child in Need Plan
- Children who have been subject to a Child Protection Plan or a Child in Need plan in the last six months
- Children who had less than 90% attendance for the three terms before they started home education
- Children who have attended three or more schools in the last 12 months or who were known to have been without a school place for longer than half a term in the last 12 months.
- Children who have never attended a school.
- Children who had have one or more permanent exclusion within the last 12 months
- Children who had have more than three fixed term exclusions totalling more than 10 days within the last 12 months.
- Children who have an Education Health and Care Plan
Should a parent who is one of the above vulnerable groups not agree to meet with the Home Education Advisor then Camden will review the information available and take appropriate action if they feel the education is unsuitable.
For pupils in vulnerable groups and where appropriate we can offer additional advice and support to these families at more regular intervals.
For children who are looked after, subject to a Child Protection Plan or a Child in Need plan we will discuss the case with the family social worker and join any appropriate meetings to safeguard the child.
Please see additional guidance on Tutors and out of school information for parents.
Tutors leaflet to safeguarding
Please see additional guidance on keeping children and young people safe from radicalisation and extremism
Keeping Children and Young People Safe from Radicalisation and Extremism
Young Carers
If you would like some advice and support for young carers please see the Camden Care choices website
If you withdraw your child from school to home educate, their school place will not stay available. If at a later stage you wish your child to return to school, you will need to make a new school application. There is no guarantee that you will be given a place back at your original school. Your child could be placed on a waiting list.
Parents who choose to educate a child in these ways rather than sending the child to school full-time take on financial responsibility for the cost of doing so, including the cost of any external assistance used such as tutors, parent groups, or part-time alternative provision.
This means that the responsibility for the child/children education rests with their parents.
If you would like to talk to someone about this before you make the decision to remove your child from school contact Camden by emailing [email protected]
If you decide to home educate
Write to the head teacher if you plan to take your child out of school. The school will pass your child’s details to Camden or your local authority.
Camden schools must inform the local authority where a child lives. This is the form they must complete: EHE Out of School Form 2024
Camden Council will then write to you to confirm that we have been told you are home educating. Camden will ask each home educator to complete an outline of education plan for their child/children, or you can send a report if you prefer.
EHE Outline Plan 2024
We will offer an appointment to meet with the Home Education Advisor. See Meeting Home Educators page.