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About the Community Infrastructure Levy

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About the Community Infrastructure Levy

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge collected from new developments, which funds facilities such as:

  • roads and transport
  • education
  • medical
  • sport, recreation and open spaces

The CIL applies to all proposals which add 100m2 of new floorspace or an extra dwelling. This includes bringing vacant buildings back into use. The amount to pay is the increase in floorspace (m2) multiplied by the rate in the CIL charging schedule.

Camden collects 2 types of Community Infrastructure Levy, the Mayoral CIL and the Camden CIL.

Camden CIL:

Camden adopted a new Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule on 30 October 2020.

Mayoral CIL:

Annual CIL Rate:

Has a CIL notice been issued on my property?

Please see link for current list of notices served. This is regularly updated Community Infrastructure Levy notices issued by Camden

Further information

Spending the Camden Community Infrastructure Levy

The Camden CIL is spent as follows:

  • 70 per cent on strategic projects across Camden
  • 25 per cent on local projects
  • 5 per cent on administration costs

This approach is set out in more detail in an Infrastructure Funding Statement 2024 (PDF). You should read this along with the Annual CIL and Section 106 report. This sets out the agreed future spending.

Strategic CIL

70 per cent of the Camden Strategic CIL is spent on borough-wide infrastructure to support growth. To date this has been spent on schools and highways. More information is available in our CIL and S106 Annual Report (Excel). 


LCIL logo

Local CIL 

25 per cent of the Camden CIL will be allocated locally by ward councillors. The spending process is guided by a Local CIL priority lists for each ward. These have been developed by ward members in consultation with their local communities.

If you wish to see some CIL given to a project, contact the ward councillors where the project is based. Ask if they would be willing to sponsor it.  

A proposal to spend Local CIL must be submitted on the standard form (Word). This must be submitted by one of the councillors for the ward(s) where the project is based. You should read the information provided below before you complete the form.

If you would like any further information on Local CIL allocations please contact Camden’s Community Infrastructure Levy Team

[email protected] 

Community Infrastructure Levy 

020 7974 5750 / 020 7974 7895

London Borough of Camden 
5 Pancras Square