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The Chalcots Estate major works project

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The Chalcots major works project

Following the 2017 evacuation, Camden Council committed to a gold standard of safety at the Chalcots Estate through a major works project. 

The major works project focuses on replacing the building envelope to the five high rise towers on the Chalcots estate, including to replace the cladding system, windows and curtain wall will bring the Chalcots Estate to the highest standards of safety, improve the wellbeing of residents and future-proof the buildings – helping to create an attractive, sustainable and vibrant neighbourhood for everyone who lives there now and in the future.

The project will deliver: 

  • A cladding system that is fully fire tested, meets the most up to date safety regulations and is A1 rated – the highest possible fire safety rating
  • Windows that provide better ventilation, are safe to use and protect homes from overheating 
  • A maintenance rail system on each block so that windows can be safely cleaned and the façades can be safely maintained
  • A new roof and replaced brickwork at ground and first floor levels
  • Insulation in the undercrofts (basement areas) to prevent damp in ground floor flats.

The major works project will affect residents living on the estate and in the local areas. The major works will be disruptive, especially to residents living on the estate.

Camden Council’s commitment is to make sure that residents are at the centre of every consideration. We will:

  • Make sure designs meet all fire safety requirements and regulations
  • Make every effort to minimise disruption to residents and local residents where possible during the works
  • Minimise the impact on the local community and the environment
  • Use the project to support the local community through the contractors’ social value commitments.

The Chalcots major works timelines

There are two types of contracts for the major works project – a ‘design and build’ contract for Blashford tower, and a ‘build-only’ contract for Bray, Burnham, Dorney and Taplow towers. 

Blashford has a different contract type because the structure of the building is different to the other four tower blocks. We need to better understand the building so that we find the best approach to the construction work with the support of a contractor.

The works at all the tower blocks are expected to be completed in spring 2025. 

Timeline for the ‘design and build’ project at Blashford

Activity Date
Planning application August 2020 to April 2021
Preparing for procurement June 2020 to December 2020
Procurement to find the contractor January 2021 to August 2021

Preparing for the major works - finalising designs, programme, testing, carrying out initial works on site and signing the major works contract

September 2021 to June 2022
Detailed construction design, surveys and manufacturing September 2022 to August 2023
Major works on site including preparation activities such as mobilisation and site set up, and demobilisation such as removal of scaffolding (subject to access)

March 2023 to April 2025

Blashford major works contractor appointment report

Blashford - Progress in 2023 and estimated timelines for 2024

For Blashford tower, the works delivery programme has been shared with residents and includes their feedback and suggestions where possible. The installation work is more complex and more intrusive than at the other towers.

To summarise progress throughout 2023:

  • The site setup began in March 2023 and was mostly completed by the end of 2023
  • All required final intrusive surveys, test installations, and testing construction methods on the building have been completed to finalise design and progress manufacturing
  • The respite lounge for residents has been in place since December 2023 (and opened to residents from February 2024)
  • The brickwork and construction work to the basement started in November 2023

The estimated completion timescales for 2024 are summarised below:

  • The installation works to flats and façade take place from 22 January 2024, progressing from the bottom up, four floors at a time
  • Roof work and replacements is scheduled from March to October 2024
  • The window installation and cladding installation should be completed by the end of 2024
  • Works completion and site demobilisation is expected in spring 2025

Timeline for the ‘build-only’ project at Bray, Burnham, Dorney and Taplow

Activity Date
Planning application August 2020 to April 2021
Preparing for procurement June 2020 to April 2021
Procurement to find the contractor May 2021 to December 2021
Bray and Taplow - Major works on site including preparation activities such as mobilisation and site set up, and demobilisation such as removal of scaffolding (subject to access) February 2022 to June 2024
Burnham and Dorney - Major works on site including preparation activities such as mobilisation and site set up, and demobilisation such as removal of scaffolding (subject to access) May 2023 to December 2024

Bray, Burnham, Dorney and Taplow contractor recommendation report (Part 1)

Bray & Taplow Towers - Progress in 2023 and estimated timelines for 2024

To summarise progress throughout 2023:

  • All façade preparation work is completed, and cladding rails installed
  • The roof works are completed for both towers
  • The Building Maintenance Unit is installed at both towers
  • Window installations are completed in about 80% of homes in each of the two towers (close to 85% at Bray and just over 75% at Taplow)
  • The individual window replacement approach allows flexibility in accommodating residents’ availabilities to carry out the works in their homes
  • The scaffold has started to come down since 25 September at Bray tower and since 13 November 2023 at Taplow tower
  • The cladding system is fully installed to the top of the towers all the way down to floor 18 at Bray tower and floor 20 at Taplow tower

The estimated completion timescales for 2024 are summarised below:

  • Window installations above the bricked area in Bray tower are expected to be completed in March 2024 and in Taplow tower in May 2024, subject to access into homes
  • The insulation and cladding panels continue to be installed to the outside of both buildings and should be completed in May 2024
  • The new brickworks to ground and 1st floors will be built aligned with the new cladding installed
  • Works completion and demobilisation is expected in July 2024
  • It must be noted that the site cabins on the forecourt of Bray will remain until the end of the project in early 2025

Burnham & Dorney Towers – Progress in 2023 and estimated timelines for 2024

To summarise progress throughout 2023:

  • The scaffold building started in May 2023 and was completed at both towers in November 2023
  • Brickwork removal for the ground and first floors took place at both towers in October and November 2023
  • The telecommunications equipment on Dorney tower was replaced and relocated in December 2023
  • The window replacements for the lower part of the buildings began on 28 September, with close to 40 homes having new windows installed. An anticipated increased pace is expected from February 2024.
  • Roof works and replacement have been progressing since November 2023

The estimated completion timescales for 2024 are summarised below:

  • The roof replacement and Building Maintenance Unit are being installed from January to April 2024
  • As mentioned above, window replacement will progress at greater pace from February 2024 with expected completion in October 2024, subject to access into homes
  • The scaffolding should start to come down in April 2024
  • Works completion and demobilisation is expected in December 2024

Planning applications

Planning application

The major works planning application to replace the cladding, windows and curtain wall at all tower blocks on the Chalcots Estate was approved by the Camden Council Planning Committee on 22 April 2021.

You can find out more about the planning application in the video below, presented by our lead planning consultants Quod and technical experts Arup.


The new cladding and windows at the Chalcots

Bray, Burnham, Dorney and Taplow residents - Show Flat Video

You can now book your show flat viewings. To book your viewing, visit our four towers show flat webpage or email [email protected]

Watch our video walkthrough of the show flat

Blashford residents, you can book a second show flat viewing

If you have already seen the show flat but want to see the radiator, curtain and blinds options and the new windows again, email the Chalcots project team at [email protected]

Watch our video walkthrough of the show flat

The new cladding system

Camden Council is installing a cladding system that is fully tested, meets the most up to date safety regulations and has A1 rated components – the highest possible fire safety rating.

Learn more about the new cladding system

New windows and curtain wall

The Council has worked with residents to find a window which meets residents’ priority requirements which include improved safety and better ventilation.

Our technical experts, Arup, and safety officers found tilt and turn windows to be the safest window type for the tower blocks. The new inward opening windows will also give residents the most comfort, choice of opening options and control over the temperature and ventilation in their homes.

Learn more about the new windows

Watch the new windows video to learn more

See the technical guide to the new windows

You can download a detailed technical guide to the new windows

You can also request a copy, by contacting Chantel West on 07824 372 010 or Maybel Houston on 07814 194 254 or emailing [email protected]

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the project team as per details above and a team member will meet with you.

Copies of the Technical Guide are available to view at the Swiss Cottage Library.

Overview on engagement - planning application consultation response

Read the consultation response

Commitment to residents and resident support

Commitment to residents and resident support

How the works are carried out in your property


Watch our video showing how the works will be carried out in your property

Bray, Burnham, Dorney and Taplow

Watch our video showing how the works will be carried out in your property

Respite lounge for Bray, Burnham, Dorney and Taplow residents

The lounge in the basement at Bray offers four rooms which are quiet, safe, warm and comfortable spaces for you to get away from the noise to rest or work remotely. There is a TV, microwave, bathroom facilities, baby changing facilities and Wi-Fi.

To use the lounge, visit our respite lounge webpage or contact Chantel West on 07824 372 010 or Maybel Houston on 07814 194 254 or email [email protected]

Watch our video showing the respite lounge video

Home Away from Home

The works to replace the windows inside your home will be very disruptive. To help you get away from the disruption, you will have the option to 
move to one of our Home Away from Home flats on the estate or locally on Adelaide Road while the works are taking place in your home.  Wheelchair accessible flats are available.

The Home Away from Home flat has everything you need to live your life as normal while you are staying there. It includes:

  • Furniture
  • Lights and blinds
  • Fridge, freezer, oven and hob and washer dryer
  • Toaster and kettle
  • Plates, bowls, cups and cutlery
  • Duvets, pillows and covers
  • Wi-Fi connection

What you need to take:

  • Clothes, shoes and towel
  • Medication
  • Laptops, tablets and chargers
  • Toothbrush and toiletries 
  • Pets and pet food
  • Any other items you want to take

Noise cancelling headphones and ear defenders

If you would like to receive a pair of noise cancelling headphones, please contact Gresa Spanca on 07971 747 530 email the project team at [email protected]

Free swimming

The project team is pleased to offer an additional initiative for Chalcots residents to have free access to the local swimming pool in the leisure centre at Swiss Cottage.

We have delivered passes valid for you (and your family members residing at the Chalcots estate). Just use the pass each time you attend the swimming pool. The period of validity is printed on the front of the pass and the conditions are printed on the back of the pass. You will see that there are no time restrictions outside the normal opening times.

The Chalcots Estate major works and resident engagement

Contractor performance and monitoring panel

An opportunity for residents to help monitor as the works are carried out

The role of the panel is to help performance manage the contractor from a resident perspective by using the commitments in the handbook as reference points, which is mainly linked to the 'performance framework'.

The panel members include residents from the Chalcots estate alongside the Project Director, Contractor and Councillor. Interested residents are welcome to join.

Panel members meet monthly and are invited to voice suggestion and ideas for improvement. The panel contributes to the performance framework, including resident views on quality, reliability and resident consideration alongside and in addition to performance measures relating to technical compliance and commercial efficiency.

The purpose of the panel is to help inform the strategy for improvements for the duration of the major works. You can view our latest performance overview (PDF) revised by the panel.

You can contact the panel by e-mail on [email protected] or you can leave a note or letter in the Chalcots Resident's Contractor Performance and Monitoring Panel Letterbox in the ground floor lobby of each tower block.

If you would like to get involved or have questions about the panel, please contact us:- 

Chantel West on 07824 372 010 or Maybel Houston on 07814 194 254 or email [email protected]

Resident Engagement

It’s important that Chalcots Estate residents are at the centre of the major works and involved in the decisions made about their estate.

Residents know their home and estate best which is why there are lots of opportunities for you to give your feedback, ask questions and make suggestions.

We have put in place a wide range of meetings to allow residents to get involved in a way that suits them, we also offer and hold regular meetings with Tenants and Resident Associations.

Meetings have been set up to be as inclusive as possible and anyone can take part.

These include:

  • The Chair of each Chalcots Estate Tenant Representative Association is invited to a monthly meeting for up-dates and where representatives can feed back residents’ views and questions.
  • Major works meet-ups – monthly virtual meetings open to all residents sharing the latest updates on the major works, followed by question and answers.

Find the next meet-up here

Community events

Free swimming

The project team is pleased to offer an additional initiative for Chalcots residents to have free access to the local swimming pool in the leisure centre at Swiss Cottage.

We have delivered passes valid for you (and your family members residing at the Chalcots estate). Just use the pass each time you attend the swimming pool. The period of validity is printed on the front of the pass and the conditions are printed on the back of the pass. You will see that there are no time restrictions outside the normal opening times.

Additional respite space - Swiss Cottage Library

An additional space is available on the second floor of the Swiss Cottage Library exclusively for Chalcots residents for home working or studying. Residents will need to be a library member to use the space. Please report to the front desk to complete a simple application free of charge.

Community activities

  • We will be hosting a Halloween event for children of the Chalcots Estate on Monday 30 October from 4pm until 6pm. This will be hosted at the children’s cabin in the Bray forecourt and will include arts and crafts.
  • We have started a Chalcots Book Club. We will meet monthly to discuss our chosen book over coffee and cake. All books are provided so there is no cost to join. If you would like to take part, please contact Maisie on 07435 325 166
  • If you are looking for a chance to meet new people and try something new, the Swiss Cottage Library is hosting a variety of free activities in the next month. If you would like to take part or find out about their other offerings, speak with a member of the library team.
  • Free IT courses for beginners every Monday between 1pm and 3pm.
  • Please keep an eye out for details of free activities taking place at Swiss Cottage Library and if you have any other ideas of activities the McLaren team can arrange for residents, please contact Maisie on 07435 325 166.  

Activities for children near the Chalcots

There are loads of activities near your home. All of these are either free or low-cost.

Swiss Cottage Library

Belsize Community Library

Camden Market

Regent's Canal

The Pirate Castle

The Winch

Kentish Town City Farm

ODEON Luxe Swiss Cottage

Talacre Treetops Soft Play

The Camden Street Art Guide

Parking at the Chalcots during the major works

The carpark at the Chalcots Estate will remain closed until the major works are complete. This is to minimise disruption to residents and to make sure contractors can access the estate easily.

Residents with valid estate parking permits were issued on-street permits in November 2019. These permits have been and will continue to be renewed until the works are complete.

Renewals are automatic so residents don’t need to do anything unless asked to or if the vehicle changes.

Where can I park?

Permits will automatically be transferred to the closest controlled street parking zone which is zone CA-B (Belsize zone).

When parking on-street, you must make sure you understand and follow to the restrictions in place.

Find controlled parking zones near you

If you are not a current estate permit holder but now need a permit, you will need to apply for one.

Apply for a street parking permit

If you have any questions about parking at the Chalcots please email [email protected] or call 020 7974 4444

Help with winter fuel until the new cladding is installed at the Chalcots

Bray, Burnham, Dorney and Taplow

  • Based on your usage last year, Camden is not charging you for any additional gas usage to heat your home during the winter months after the cladding was removed from your block. This is to ensure that no additional costs will be passed on to you due to the removal of the cladding to the building.

  • Your gas is supplied by the council. Gas is bought in bulk allowing Camden to reduce any pressure on residents if there are any sudden changes to gas prices in the energy market. 

  • Tenants and leaseholders with heat meters have fixed charges until September 2023. The charges for leaseholders will be paid through their service charges annually.


  • Your block is not on the council’s gas supply so we will make direct payments to Blashford residents. We have increased the amount to £40 per month to cover the costs of using more heating at increased costs. 

  • Email [email protected] and a member of the team will contact you to set up your payment – you will need your council tax reference number to confirm you’re a Blashford resident. 

  • If you have any questions about your heat charges, contact Chantel West on 07824 372 010 or Maybel Houston on 07814 194 254 or email [email protected]