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Ways you can help out

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Ways you can help out

We have all seen the devastating effects the pandemic has had on our communities – but we have also seen the strength of community spirit as people have looked out for each other.

Here are some ways you can continue to support local organisations and your neighbours, if you can. 

Food support

Donate directly to Camden's food banks and community organisations

Donating goods

Little Village distributes clothes, toys and equipment for babies and children up to the age of five. Donate goods or money to Little Village.

Camden Learning helps Camden’s pupils get the computers and WiFi they need to learn online at home during the pandemic. Donate to the Digital Divide campaign.

Camden Giving is an independent charity which raises money to pay for food banks, social clubs, employment training, mental health support and more. Donate to Camden Giving.

Support Camden Music Trust which provides musical opportunities for Camden children by donating to Camden Music Trust or donating to Age UK Camden's Warm Heart Campaign.


Donate your time to a local organisation