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Protect your bike

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Protect your bike

Basic precautions you can take

The cost of having your bicycle stolen or damaged in an attempted theft can run into hundreds of pounds. It is practical to take some basic precautions which can greatly minimise the risk of having your bike targeted by thieves. 

Hints and tips 

Buy a decent lock,  preferably two if possible.

Before visiting a cycle shop please visit Soldsecure  for information on certified locks. You should expect to pay £40 or more for a certified locking system.

Locks are not for life

Keep your security up to date and replace locks when they get old or rusty. 

Get insurance

Check if your house insurance already covers your bicycle when away from home, and also whether the total value of the bike is covered.

If your bike is particularly valuable you may need to insure it separately.

Security measures

Without a frame number the police don’t stand a chance of recovering your bike if it's stolen.

Your bicycles frame number can normally be found underneath the bike, between the pedals or where the back wheel slots in.

You can register your frame number with a scheme like: 

Other methods of security tagging for identification include: 


It is advisable to do this at the point of purchasing your bike as you may never get around to it otherwise.

Lock your bike securely

Always lock the frame and both wheels to the stand or to a strong immovable object. 

Make  the lock and bike hard to manoeuvre when parked and do not allow thieves to place your lock(s) in contact with the ground.