What is Prevent?
The Prevent Duty requires Local Authorities and other named bodies (Education, Health Care, Police, Criminal Justice) to give due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism. All named bodies should focus their activity where there is most need.
Prevent covers all forms of terrorism and seeks to challenge any ideology which legitimises terrorism.
In Camden, Prevent is about early intervention and safeguarding of adults and children.
Camden’s approach recognises that people at risk of being drawn into terrorism may also be at risk of other forms of harm such as criminal exploitation, grooming, sexual exploitation, modern slavery, serious violence and many other forms of abuse.
Work responding to the ideological challenge of terrorism is carried out in partnership with communities and the partners named in the Prevent duty. The aim is to build strong resilient communities. Camden’s safeguarding approach to radicalisation also provides holistic support to those who are most vulnerable. Those working with children and adults are supported to understand the risk of terrorism, identify when an individual is at risk of radicalisation and know what to do and how to get help.
Act Early has been developed to give more information about how Prevent protects and safeguards people.
Camden Safeguarding Children’s Partnership have resources specifically for those working with children and one for parents. Also available in Camden’s most widely spoken languages: Somali, Arabic and Bengali.
Educate Against Hate gives more support for those working with children and information about how Prevent works to protect children.