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Pavement Licensing

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About pavement licences

A Pavement Licence is a licence which allows for the licence holder to place moveable furniture over a part of the highway adjacent to their premises.

The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 makes permanent the provisions set out in the Business and Planning Act (BPA) 2020 that streamlined the process to allow businesses to secure these licences quickly. Licences that are deemed to have been granted, should remain in place for such period as the local authority may specify in the licence. 

Where a pavement licence is granted, clear access routes on the highway will need to be maintained, taking into account the needs of all users, including disabled people.

The licence will remain in place for one year.

If you are granted a pavement licence, clear access routes on the highway will need to be maintained taking into account the needs of all users.

'Streatery' or licensing a communal area away from the premises

If you are organising a 'streatery' with a number of restaurants using a communal area away from the premises for dining, please email [email protected].

Provide your telephone number and we will contact you to discuss the proposal and requirements.

Pre-application service

We offer a pre-application advice service designed to assist individuals and businesses considering applying for a license. This service provides tailored guidance to ensure that your application meets all necessary requirements and has the best chance of success. For detailed information about this service and how it can benefit your application process, please visit our pre application advice for licensing page.

Apply for a licence

All applications must be applied for online and we cannot accept postal applications.


The fee for this licence is £500 for first time applications and £350 for renewals, effective from 31st March 2024.

Please make sure you:

  • have your credit or debit card details ready
  • follow the checklist below 
  • read though the guidance before you apply

Fill in the pavement licence application form

Application guidance

  1. Provide a plan to scale of the area you intend to use by marking the location with a red line. You must also mark on the plan the furniture being used and the position of the same. Please check example 1 and example 2 which demonstrate acceptable plans.
  2. Provide a copy of your valid Public Liability insurance with cover no less than £2 million, covering the proposed licensable area.
  3. Electrical heaters are permitted and will need to be included on your application and plan. The wiring should be safely secured using pedestrian cable covers no higher than 15mm with tapered edges and hazard strip. All cables must be IP rated to demonstrate they are adequately waterproofed. A Health & Safety Executive risk assessment must be completed and attached to your application.
  4. Ensure you have checked the standard conditions which are attached to all granted pavement licences.
  5. Contact [email protected] if you require further assistance.


Once we have received a valid application, a 14-day public consultation period will commence starting the day after the application is sent electronically to the authority (excluding bank holidays).

You will need to display a notice (download Word template) on your premises setting out the details of your application for 14 days from the day after we receive your application. Failure to display a notice for the entire consultation period will invalidate your application. Please take a photograph of your notice being displayed and email to [email protected].

Members of the public, responsible authorities or any other interested party may make a comment of on your application during this time.

All comments will be considered when the authority determines the application.

What happens next

The application shall be considered and determined within 14days from when your consultation period ends.

When considering your application, we will have regard to public health and safety, public amenities, accessibility, and any comments received during the public consultation.

You application will either be granted as applied for, modified, or refused. The decision made by the authority is final and there is no right of appeal.

Sign up for email alerts

When you sign up to receive alerts, you will be able to choose alerts for:

  • the entire London borough of Camden,
  • one or more wards in the borough, and 
  • licensing applications based on their current status

Sign up to email alerts to be notified of applications in your area

You will need a valid email address to sign up. If you don’t have one already you can get one for free from services such as Google, Yahoo or Microsoft.