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Terms and conditions for parking permits 

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All permits, Camden Account and tariffs

Camden Account, permit applications and renewals

It is the responsibility of the applicant/account holder to upload the documents requested during the Camden Account or Business Account application process.

You must provide these documents within 12 weeks of making your application. We may check your application at any time during this period and cancel a permit immediately without refund if documents are invalid. Before uploading, please make sure documents meet the criteria specified in the 'Permit proof documents' section of these Terms and Conditions.  

We recommend permit holders update their email settings to make sure that emails sent from Camden are marked as safe so as not to be misdirected to their spam/junk mail. It is the permit holder’s responsibility to ensure any notifications sent by Camden with regards to management of their parking permit account are read and any actions required taken.

Permit holders should ensure their account is up to date, that all the information provided is correct, and to renew any permit on time.

You are allowed to have up to three vehicles on your resident permit, however you can only park one of them on-street at any one time during controlled hours. Therefore, you need to activate the vehicle you want to park. If you wish to change this, you will need to go into the system and change your active vehicle to a different one.

Permit holders should ensure that if they have purchased a permit with a 'future' start date, that the Vehicle Registration Mark associated to this permit is correct prior to the permit's go live date. This is particularly important if there has been a change of vehicle on a prior permit.

We will carry out checks and you may be required to submit further supporting evidence at any time. If an application is found to have been made when not meeting the terms and conditions, the permit will be cancelled without a refund. 

When applying, renewing or maintaining your permit account, you confirm that you understand and accept the current terms and conditions. Failure to follow these may result in parking enforcement action and the cancellation of your permit without refund. We reserve the right to amend the terms and conditions at any time.

Outstanding Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs)

If a vehicle on your account has three or more outstanding PCNs where the statutory appeal process has ended, the permit will be cancelled and you will not be able to renew it. The outstanding charges will need to be settled or you will need to satisfy us that you are not liable for the outstanding charges.

Permit tariffs and refunds

See our current fees and charges

Resident and business permit charges are based on the vehicle engine size or CO2 emissions. There is a surcharge for diesel powered vehicles, whether you are renewing, adding or changing a diesel vehicle. If more than one vehicle is registered on a permit account, the basic charge is determined by the vehicle with the highest tariff.

You may be entitled to a refund where a permit is no longer required or where there is a change to a lower tariff vehicle. You will need to cancel or make the change on your permit account. Refunds are calculated from this date at a rate equivalent to the number of full months remaining before the expiry of the permit. Charges for 2nd and 3rd vehicles and the diesel surcharge are non-refundable.

Visitor permits and parking permissions are non-refundable.

Refunds are not due where a permit has been cancelled under the terms and conditions.

Permit proof documents

You will normally only need to upload documents the first time you apply or when there are changes to the account. We check accounts to ensure the correct documents have been uploaded and you may be asked to upload further documents. The permit may be cancelled if the required proof is not provided. 

Please ensure the document uploaded is clear, high quality and the whole page can be viewed.

The following list is a guide and you may be asked for additional information.  

Resident permit
Courtesy vehicle
Visitor permit
Business permit

Resident permit - acceptable documents

We will require proof of vehicle custody and, if not confirmed via automated checks, proof of your Camden address which must be in your name with your Camden address

Proof of residency in Camden

  • Council tax bill
  • Front and signed pages of a tenancy agreement

Proof of vehicle custody 

  • vehicle registration document (DVLA V5C/Logbook) in your name at your Camden address
  • hire/lease agreement in your name at your Camden address
  • for a company vehicle not in your name with your Camden address, we will require the V5C/lease in the company name and a letter from the company confirming that the vehicle is provided for your sole use
  • for a foreign vehicle 6 month permit, the registered country DVLA equivalent document and must then be DVLA registered for any further permit

Courtesy vehicle – acceptable documents

  • hire/lease agreement from the garage, repair shop or your insurer including your name and Camden address

Visitor permit - acceptable documents

Proof of residency

  • see resident permit above

Proof for discount as 75 and over or disabled 

  • proof of age: passport, birth certificate, medical certificate or driving licence
  • disabled persons Blue Badge
  • registered blind
  • war or service disablement pension

Business permit - acceptable documents

Proof of business

  • business rates register

Proof of essential need for north and south Euston Road permits

  • frequent visits are required to other premises in the course of work. Provide evidence such as full details of the frequency, duration and location of such visits. This can be copies of your diary or calendar entries, invoices, trade accounts over the past six weeks
  • heavy/valuable goods are transported on a regular basis in the operation of the business. Provide evidence including the weight of goods carried, the frequency of trips made and the location of premises visited. This can be invoices, delivery or collections notes, similar statements reflecting activities over the past six weeks
  • unsociable hours are worked on a regular basis for essential reasons. Provide full details and provide evidence such as alarm setting printouts, timed invoices, international client invoices or similar timed supporting documentation, reflecting activities over the past six weeks

Proof of vehicle custody

  • vehicle registration document (DVLA V5C logbook) in your business name at your Camden address
  • hire/lease agreement in your business name at your Camden address
  • business use insurance for the vehicle

Resident permit

Main residence

You must be a resident in the borough at least five nights per week and one permit account can be held per qualifying resident. 

You must ensure that the property is not subject to a “car free” or “car capped” agreement. If we find a permit was obtained for such a property, it will be cancelled without refund.

The Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) for the permit is determined by your Camden address.


Must be registered with the DVLA in your name at the same Camden address with vehicle insurance and be a:

  • passenger, private light goods vehicle or electric powered vehicle, the gross weight of which does not exceed 3.5 tonnes and is no more than 2.2 metres wide and 2.32 metres tall
  • motorcycle weighing no more than 450kgs and not including a sidecar

Either a 6 or 12 month permit is available for these vehicles. You cannot share vehicles across resident permit accounts. 

Lease, hire or company vehicle: a lease/hire agreement in your name, or company V5C/lease agreement with a letter from the company confirming the vehicle is for your sole use.   Permits are not issued for pool, foreign registered company vehicles, or vehicles loaned by friends or family.

Multiple vehicles: there can be up to 3 passenger/light goods vehicles and 2 motorcycles registered on an account, but only 1 vehicle and 1 motorcycle can be activated to park during the controlled hours. You will need to choose which is active to park on the street via your Camden Account.

Foreign or not DVLA registered: a non-renewable 6 month permit will be issued. Evidence from the DVLA or registered country equivalent that it is your vehicle must be uploaded within 12 weeks otherwise the permit will be automatically cancelled. The permit will be charged at the highest emission tariff until DVLA evidence is supplied for a tariff reset. The vehicle must be DVLA registered for any further permit to be issued.  

Courtesy vehicle

If your active resident permit vehicle is being repaired or serviced, you can temporarily replace it with the courtesy vehicle provided by the garage, repair shop or insurance company. This service is available for formal courtesy vehicles only and not personal loans from friends, family or other arrangement. 

Only 1 courtesy vehicle can be active and this will be for a period of 14 days at a time. Once your vehicle is returned, you must remove the courtesy vehicle for your vehicle to once again be active on the permit. If your hire or lease agreement for your courtesy vehicle is for a period longer than 14 days, you will need to do a change of vehicle request on your permit account.

A courtesy vehicle can replace your active resident permit vehicle up to 5 times per year.  

You must upload an official courtesy vehicle hire/lease agreement from the garage, repair shop or the insurer to your account, otherwise this service may be stopped. 

Cancelling a permit and refund

You will need to cancel the permit in your account before applying for a refund. The amount will be calculated from the date you do this and the refund application form will need to be completed.

Refunds are calculated from the cancellation at a rate equivalent to the number of full months remaining before the expiry of the permit. Charges for 2nd and 3rd vehicles and the diesel surcharge are non-refundable. If you had not completed your application by supplying eligibility evidence, such as the vehicle V5C in your name at the Camden address, no refund is due.

Where to park and suspensions

The permit allows parking in a resident permit bay in the associated CPZ. The timeplate will include “Resident permit holders” or “Permit holders” and the mark CA- with the CPZ letter. The permit does not allow trailer parking.

Except within zones CA-B, CA-H and two hour sub zones, the permit also allows parking in paid for parking bays in the same CPZ for the first and last hour of the CPZ restricted hours.

Parking spaces are suspended from time to time and parking is not permitted. Suspension warning notices will be displayed adjacent to the timeplate for the parking bay and it is the responsibility of the permit holder to make themselves aware by reading the relevant notices. As well as regularly checking for warning notices, you can sign up to our courtesy email alerts service for forthcoming suspensions.

Failure to follow the terms and conditions may result in parking enforcement action and potential vehicle removal.


The permit holder is responsible for renewing the permit and you may wish to set your own reminder. While we aim to send out electronic reminders for renewals, this is dependent on details being up to date and your email server spam/junk settings.

Member of Parliament resident permit 

If you are a Member of Parliament but resident in Camden for less than five nights a week, you are still able to apply for a resident permit. You will need to make the request via Contact Camden in order for an account to be set up.    

Visitor permit

Resident or business

You must be 16 or over and reside in the borough at least five nights per week or be a business north of Euston Road which appears on the business rates register.

The Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) for the permit is determined by your Camden residential or business address.

Visitor permit use and allocation

There is an annual allocation of visitor permits (VPs) depending on the CPZ in which you reside or the business is based, see the table below. The annual period runs from 1st April to 31st March and any unused allocation does not roll over. VPs cannot be amended (other than extending short stay) and are non-refundable. 

Residents aged 75 and over or those registered as disabled are eligible for short stay VPs at a reduced rate and enhanced allocation in some areas. In order to access the reduced rate, you will need to provide proof of age or disability.

Accounts migrated to new system from 11/01/22 which had a pre-purchased balance of visitor permits will see these as an account credit. Once you have used up the credit, your annual pay as you go allocation will then be displayed.

Short stay VP (all CPZs): 

  • pay at the time your visitor arrives or pre-pay for a future time, the VP is not amendable or refundable
  • purchase in 15 minutes increments, a stay can be extended if processed before the final 15 minute period starts
  • purchase up to maximum of 4 hours on the day or to the end of controlled hours, whichever is sooner
  • after expiry of the maximum 4 hours stay, the vehicle must be moved from the bay
  • time is not carried over into the next parking period

  All day VP (not available in all CPZs):

  • for visits over 4 hours
  • pay as you go
  • can be pre-purchased for a date up 20 days in advance, but the VP is not amendable or refundable
  • time is not carried over
CPZ Resident, allocation up to Business, allocation up to
CA- B, F, G,H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, V-Sandy Road, X (excluding two hour sub-zones)

 480 hours + 10 day

75 and over/disabled: 600 hours+10 day

500 hours
Two hour zones and two hour sub zones CA-P, S, U, V

120 hours

75 and over/disabled: 160 hours

120 hours

75 and over/disabled: 160 hours


80 hours

75 and over/disabled: 80 hours



Where to park and suspensions

The account holder must ensure that their visitor is aware of the VP terms and conditions.

VPs allow parking in a resident permit bay in the associated CPZ. The timeplate will include “Resident permit holders” or “Permit holders” and the mark CA- with the CPZ letter. The VP does not allow trailer parking and enforcement action may be taken. 

It is important that your visitor is aware of the restrictions indicated on the parking bay timeplate. It is also important the restricted hours are checked as these can differ within a CPZ and may start earlier and end later than in the street where you reside.

Parking spaces are suspended from time to time and parking is not permitted. Suspension warning notices will be displayed adjacent to the timeplate for the parking bay and these must be checked upon parking and before any session starts. As well as checking for warning notices, you can sign up to our courtesy email alerts service for forthcoming suspensions.

Failure to follow the terms and conditions may result in parking enforcement action and potential vehicle removal.

Member of Parliament VPs 

If you are a Member of Parliament but resident in Camden for less than five nights a week, you are still able to apply for visitor permits. If you do not already hold a resident permit, you will need to make the request via Contact Camden in order for an account to be set up.  

Trade permit

Trade permits (formerly known as parking permissions) are available to any trade person or service provider needing to carry out work or services at a Camden resident or business address. Anyone can apply for a trade permit for a period from 1 to 40 days.

You will need to provide the Camden address which will determine the Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) for the permit, vehicle registration and the reason for the visit.

Trade permits are non-transferable and non-refundable.

Where to park and suspensions

Resident permit bays: from the start of controlled hours to 5.30pm or the end of controlled hours, whichever is earlier. The timeplate will include “Resident permit holders” or “ Permit holders” and the mark CA- with the CPZ zone letter - this will be the CPZ determined by the Camden address provided. 

Yellow lines: single yellow lines (or in Hampstead CA-H zone, double yellow lines up to 8pm) in the CPZ determined by the Camden address provided. 

You cannot park:

  • where a loading ban is in force, indicated by single or double kerb markings
  • adjacent to a dropped kerb or raised highway such as a pedestrian crossing or vehicle crossover
  • location with a “no-stopping” restriction zig-zag or box commonly outside schools
  • within five metres of a junction or in a manner obstructing traffic
  • red route
  • housing estate
  • suspended bay

Parking spaces are suspended from time to time and parking is not permitted. Warning signage will be displayed adjacent to the timeplate. As well as regularly checking for warning notices, you can sign up to our courtesy email alerts service for forthcoming suspensions.

Weddings and funerals

Trade permits issued for weddings, funerals or other dedicated purposes may have different conditions which will be explained when issued.

Failure to follow the terms and conditions may result in parking enforcement action and potential vehicle removal.

Business permits

Business permits: north or south of Euston Road

The business must be based in the borough and have no access to off-street parking. The Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) for the permit is determined from the business address.

You must ensure that the property is not subject to “car free” or “car capped” agreement. If we find a permit was obtained for such a property, it will be cancelled without refund.

Only one parking account per business is allowed. Permits are only for use during the active operational hours of the business.

The business must demonstrate that a vehicle is essential for the operation and viability of the business, and not for the purposes of commuting and securing all day parking.

If the business circumstances change, the permit may become invalid. Contact Camden will be able to advise you if your permit details need updating.

Essential need reasons

  • frequent visits are required to other premises in the course of work
  • heavy/valuable goods are transported on a regular basis in the operation of the business
  • unsociable hours are worked on a regular basis for essential reasons


Must be registered with the DVLA with ownership or lease confirming business use along with valid business use insurance.

  • north of Euston Road (scheme B): a passenger or goods vehicles, gross weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes, no more than 2.2 metres wide and 2.32 metres tall
  • south of Euston Road (scheme A): a goods vehicle which is constructed or adapted as a derivative of a passenger vehicle with a maximum gross weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes​​​​​

Multiple vehicles: up to three vehicles can be added to a business permit, however only one is able to park during the controlled hours. You will need to choose which vehicle is active via your Camden business account.

Permits are issued for 12 months.

Where to park and suspensions

North of Euston Road permit (Scheme B): North of Euston Road in “permit holders” bays marked with CA- with the CPZ zone letter. Vehicles must not be used for commuting and must be moved at the end of a trading day

South of Euston Road permit (Scheme A): South of Euston Road in the “Business permit holder” bay marked with the numeric code of your permit with prefix ”A”

The permit does not allow trailer parking.

Parking spaces are suspended from time to time and parking is not permitted. Suspension warning notices will be displayed adjacent to the timeplate for the parking bay and it is the responsibility of the permit holder to make themselves aware by reading the relevant notices. As well as regularly checking for warning notices, you can sign up to our courtesy email alerts service for forthcoming suspensions.

Failure to follow the terms and conditions may result in parking enforcement action and potential vehicle removal.


The permit holder is responsible for renewing the permit and you may wish to set your own reminder. While we aim to send out electronic reminders for renewals, this is dependent on details being up to date and your email server spam/junk settings.

Business permit: vehicle repair and service garages (scheme C)

Any vehicle repair/service garage north of Euston Road may apply for up to 10 permits for the purpose of leaving vehicles being repaired/serviced in resident permit bays near the garage. The Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) is determined from the garage address.

These permits are issued for 12 months, see the fees and charges.

See above "Where to park and suspensions" for North of Euston Road permits and above "Renewals".

The permit does not allow parking on yellow lines, footways, paid for parking or suspended bays.

Failure to follow the terms and conditions may result in parking enforcement action and potential vehicle removal.

Market trader permit

Permit holders must hold a valid street trading licence and be actively trading in one of the Council’s street markets. One permit is available per licensee.  

The permit is valid only for parking in market trader bays during the operational hours of the market and for periods that the licensee is actively trading.  

If found to be using a vehicle solely for storage or found not to be trading anymore, the permit may be withdrawn.

See the fees and charges for parking permit costs.


Must be registered with the DVLA and be registered to the business or individual licence holder. Insurance must state it is for business use and it must be a:

  • goods vehicle not exceeding 7.5 tonnes and must carry no more than nine people
  • passenger vehicles must carry no more than 13 people

The permit is not valid for motorcycles or trailers.

Multiple vehicles: up to three vehicles can be added to your market permit, however only one is able to park during the controlled hours. You will need to choose which vehicle is active via your account.

Where to park and suspensions

The permit allows parking in any nearby bay marked as “Permit holders only MKT” or “Permit holders only” with identifier number prefixed with “T”.

Parking spaces are suspended from time to time and parking is not permitted. Suspension warning notices will be displayed adjacent to the timeplate for the parking bay and it is the responsibility of the permit holder to make themselves aware by reading the relevant notices. As well as regularly checking for warning notices, you can sign up to our courtesy email alerts service for forthcoming suspensions.

Failure to follow these terms and conditions may result in parking enforcement action and potential vehicle removal.


The permit holder is responsible for renewing the permit and you may wish to set your own reminder.