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Low emission vehicles

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Low emission vehicles

Help reduce pollution

If you need to use a car, you can help reduce pollution by choosing a cleaner fuelled vehicle such as hybrid or electric.  

The Go Ultra Low website has a range of information to help you choose. You can also get advice on electric cars from the Energy Saving Trust

Electric vehicles 

We encourage residents to drive electric vehicles to help tackle climate change and improve air quality.

Electric vehicles: 

  • are particularly suitable for urban areas where short distances are covered 
  • produce no air pollution emissions 
  • are exempt from the congestion charge 
  • pay no road tax 
  • benefit from reduced company car tax 

The distance they can travel is gradually increasing due to improvements in battery technology. 

Hybrid or extended range electric vehicles 

You can choose a hybrid or extended range electric vehicle if you need to make long journeys. You won’t need to re-charge on long trips. 

Charging points 

Camden have 248 lamp column charge points, which are operated by Ubitricity. We have 72 fast charge points in 50 locations, which are operated by Source London. There are two rapid charge points, one on Russell Square, the other on Osnaburgh Street, which are open access to anyone. All charge point locations can be found on Zap Map.

Bio-methane fuel

If you’re using commercial vans or trucks, bio-methane is a green, clean and cheap fuel captured from waste landfill sites. It can be 20% cheaper than petrol. There is a bio-methane refuelling station on York Way.