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The Electoral Register

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The Electoral Register

Everyone who is registered to vote

The electoral register lists the names and addresses of everyone who is registered to vote. It’s used for electoral and other purposes specified in the law, specifically:

  • detecting crime such as fraud
  • calling people for jury service
  • checking credit application

The Full Electoral Register is not available to view or amend online.

If you have any of these queries:

  • I need to remove some one from the register at my address
  • I need to change / amend my name on the register at my address
  • I need proof of my registration
  • I would like to check if I am on the Electoral Register
  • I would like to check if I am opted out of the Open Register
  • I would like to opt out of the Open Register

Please email [email protected] stating your query / request.

Inspecting the Register of Electors

The full Register of Electors lists the names and addresses of all those registered to vote in public elections and is open to public inspection.

If you wish to the inspect the register you will need to make a 15-minute appointment with Electoral Services at the Town Hall, Judd Street, London, WC2H 1JE.

Contact us on [email protected] or by calling 020 7974 3606 to make an appointment.

Please note that inspection of the register is done under supervision and only handwritten notes can be made, any other copying or recording is not permitted, and is a criminal offence. At the appointment you will be asked to give your name and address and sign a disclaimer stating that you understand that breaching the legal restrictions would be an offence.

Only the current version of the Register of Electors is available for public inspection, however the British Library hold copies of the full register of older versions for archive purposes.  Please note that the register is produced by polling district / road name therefore searching a person by name is not possible.

The Annual Canvass of Electors

The annual canvass begins in September and forms will be sent to ALL residential households arriving either via email or post.

Further information about Annual Canvass can be found here at, Annual Canvass.

The open register

The open register is an extract of the electoral register, but is not used for elections.

It can be bought by any person, company or organisation. For example, companies and charities use it to confirm names and addresses.

You can opt out of the open register when you register to vote. If you are on the open register and wish to have your name removed, you can: 

Check if you’re registered to vote

To check if you are registered to vote in Camden you can:

Find out more about registering to vote and the electoral register at Your Vote Matters.

Privacy Notice 

Under Articles 13 and/or 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) the following notice details the ways in which the data linked to the Electoral register and Elections may be used.

Electoral Registration Privacy Notice

Number of Signatures Required on a Petition

The Borough Council is required, by the Local Government Act 2000, to publish the minimum number of signatures which would be needed to support a valid petition requiring the Council to hold a referendum on whether or not the Borough should have an Elected Mayor.

Notice of signatures