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Draft new Local Plan

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Draft new Local Plan

The Council consulted on the draft new Local Plan from 17 January to 13 March 2024. We are currently considering all the responses received and will publish an updated version of the Local Plan for further consultation in Spring 2025.

The draft new Camden Local Plan sets out our vision for future development in Camden for the next 15 years and includes the planning policies and site allocations to help achieve this. It identifies how many new homes and jobs are needed to support Camden's population, and where and how they should be provided. The Local Plan also has an important role in shaping how Camden's places look and feel, promoting inclusion, reducing inequality, enhancing the environment, tackling climate change and securing sustainable neighbourhoods.

To read the draft new Local Plan consulted on please visit our commonplace site Have Your Say Today - Draft New Camden Local Plan - Commonplace.

View the draft new Local Plan

Gypsy and Traveller Site Identification Study

The closing date for comments to be submitted on the Gypsy and Traveller Site Identification Study has now passed.

The Study can still however be viewed on the Council's Local Plan evidence page.  Evidence - Camden Council
