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Citizenship Ceremonies

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Citizenship Ceremonies

Important: Camden Register Office has now moved back to Camden Town Hall, Judd Street, London WC1H 9JE. All services will be offered from Camden Town Hall.

Our office at Crowndale Centre has now closed.

If the Home Office approves your application for British citizenship they will write to you and send you an invitation letter to book your citizenship ceremony slot, which will contain details of the local authority to contact to book a citizenship ceremony.

Useful information

  • Public Ceremonies are on Wednesdays every other week, depending on demand.
  • Once you have received your letter please allow 5 working days for your details to be updated on our system. 
  • If your letter says you have to have a ceremony within 21 days of the letter please ignore this. You have up to 3 months to attend a ceremony at present. Please check with the Home Office if you're running out of time.   
  • We open ceremonies several months in advance, normally on Wednesdays, but sometimes a bit earlier. We carefully manage demand so that people do not miss out.
  • You are required to return your BRP card to the Home Office.
  • If you need an emergency ceremony, or you want to change your citizenship ceremony date, email [email protected]. You'll need to include your name, your home office number starting 1212-0001 and a phone number.

Please note, you will only be able to book your ceremony slot once you have received the Home Office invitation letter. 

Choosing a public or private ceremony

You can choose to attend a public or private ceremony.

Public ceremony

The public ceremony will be in a group setting where you will attend with other citizens. These are on set dates usually on a Wednesday. There is no additional charge for attending a public ceremony.

You may bring one guest. If you have young children and cannot find childcare you may bring them as well. 

You should allow yourself two hours for the ceremony from arrival. 

To book a Public Ceremony use the link on this page. If you are told the public ceremony is virtual please disregard this as it is an auto confirmation from our bookings system.

Until further notice all public ceremonies will be in person. 

Book a public ceremony

Private ceremony

Private ceremonies are more personal; meaning you can bring 2 guests can be part of a private naturalisation celebration.

Private ceremonies can be arranged within a more flexible timescale. The programme usually lasts no more than about 30 minutes.

If there are not private dates preferable for you, please email [email protected] and give us 3 dates you could attend. 

Book a private ceremony

Private ceremony fees

Private ceremony cost is £165 for each adult, and they take place between Monday and Saturday depending on availability. 

Camden residents who are classed as CEV (Clinically Extremely vulnerable) will be exempt from paying citizenship ceremony fees.

Attending a group Citizenship Ceremony

You must bring your Home Office invitation letter (this may be in the form of an email from the Home Office, if so please print the email to bring with you on the day, or have ready on your phone), and a form of photo identification, for example a passport or driver’s licence, to the ceremony. You will attend the ceremony at Camden Town Hall where the Union Jack flag will be displayed.

You will either swear the Oath (swearing to God) or the Affirmation (not mentioning God) and say the Pledge of Loyalty to the UK together.

You will be presented with your citizenship certificate once you have sworn/affirmed the Oath, and said the Pledge of Loyalty. 

Example of Oath

“I (name) swear by Almighty God that on becoming a British citizen I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles III, His Heirs and Successors according to law”.

Example of Affirmation

“I (name) do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that on becoming a British citizen I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles III, His Heirs and Successors according to law.”

Example of Pledge

“I will give my loyalty to the United Kingdom and respect its rights and freedoms. I will uphold its democratic values. I will observe its laws faithfully and fulfil my duties and obligations as a British citizen”.