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About Cindex

Cindex is our local community information database containing details of around 4,000 organisations and services; clubs and societies, council departments and services, community groups and associations, charities, political campaigns, statutory and government agencies:

Search Cindex

Register to edit or create a Cindex record

Contact Cindex

What Cindex can be used for

  • finding out about local organisations and services
  • telling the Council about new local organisations and services
  • advising and referring
  • consulting and creating mailing lists
  • checking and updating mailing lists - including our deleted records
  • service mapping
  • adding contact details to the Camden website and other websites
  • producing local directories - subject and area selections can be downloaded and printed

Who uses it?

  • residents, workers, students and visitors
  • advisers across the council, statutory and voluntary sectors
  • managers in the public sector


What is included

Cindex includes up-to-date details of around 4,300 local organisations and services.

You'll find clubs, council departments, groups, campaigns and associations who can offer help and services to Camden residents, workers and visitors. Over 3,000 subjects are covered including religion, sport, housing, political groups, older people's groups, volunteering opportunities, health, careers, business information and under fives' groups.

How up-to-date is it?

The sort of information included in Cindex is subject to frequent change. As a check, the date of the last update is listed in each entry. Last checked: 26 July 2020 means that information was fully checked and was correct on that date.

Our aim is to check all entries at least once a year.

Found something out-of-date, incorrect or missing?

We can respond quickly to your suggestions and comments about the information we keep.

You are welcome to contact us direct to submit amendments and suggestions or to discuss any aspect of the service. 


Inclusion of an organisation does not constitute a recommendation, or agreement with it's objectives. All information on Cindex is subject to Camden Council's website disclaimer and privacy statement:

Camden Council is committed to the highest standard of quality information and every attempt has been made to present up to date and accurate information.

However, Camden Council gives no warranty as to the accuracy of the information on this website and accepts no liability for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of reliance on such information.

Although Camden Council takes all reasonable measures to ensure that the information provided to it from third parties is not defamatory or offensive, Camden Council cannot control the content or take responsibility for pages maintained by external providers.

Please note that the inclusion of an organisation does not constitute and should not be taken as a recommendation by Camden of the organisation or an indication that Camden Council agree with or in any way share the organisation's objectives, principles or operational methods. Therefore contact and subsequent engagement with any of the organisations listed is a matter entirely for the user to be undertaken at the user's discretion and entirely at their own risk.

Found something out-of-date, incorrect or missing?

Found something out-of-date, incorrect or missing?

We can respond quickly to your suggestions and comments about the information we keep.

You are welcome to contact us direct to submit amendments and suggestions or to discuss any aspect of the service. 

Go to Cindex

Search tips


  • Location search, which enables you to find organisations and services which are near to a particular address.
  • Subject List, which enables you to explore how the subject headings are organised so that you can find the subject you want. 
  • There are filters, e.g. Offering services to.  You can find all the services for Older people, for example,  with just one click. 
  • Navigation: you can undo any of your choices of subject or other filter without starting a new search.
  • Subject lists include all the records linked to any sub-headings, as well as the main subject itself.
  • If you want a complicated list - for example of more than one subject or more than one ward - you will need to do a number of different searches.

Search tips on Cindex

The following give search tips for Cindex.  You can also find some basic advice on Cindex itself on the Help with searching page.

Quick search

Location search

Narrowing your search

Browse categories

Subject List

Associated subjects

Other filters

More about languages

More about wards

More about postal districts

Quick search

Useful for

  • Finding the details of a particular organisation or service.
  • Finding subject headings which are relevant to your search.
  • Exploring Cindex.

Search tips

  • To search for an organisation or subject area, enter your search term in the left-hand search box. It is marked Organisations and Services.
  • To search for a service based at a particular address, enter the street or postcode in the left-hand search box. It is marked Organisations and Services
  • To search for services near to an address, enter the postcode in the right-hand search box, marked Location.  See Location search for more guidance.
  • To search for an exact phrase, use double quotation marks  “ “.  For example, "Camden Centre".
  • To search for a combination of words which are not a phrase, use + before a search term; for example +young +inclusion will find Young People for Inclusion.
  • To search for words with several possible endings, use *; for example, child* will find child, children and children’s.
  • If you don't get the results you were expecting, check your spelling, try using alternative words that mean the same thing, or try using fewer search terms.
  • To find subject lists with quick search, enter a subject term or phrase in the left-hand search box.   Select one of the results and click into the full record, then look at the Associated subjects at the bottom right of the record. Associated subjects are clickable links, and will take you to a definitive list of all the records for that subject.  See Associated subjects for more guidance.

Location search

Useful for

  • Finding organisations or services near to a particular address.

Search tips

  • To search for services and organisations near to an address, enter the full postcode or the first part of the postcode (e.g. N6 or WC1A) in the right-hand search box, marked Location.  This will give you all the Cindex records which have a specific location, sorted by distance from your chosen location.
  • To show the services  within a particular distance from your location, use the Max distance button at the top right-hand side of the list of results to choose a particular radius.  
  • You can sort those results by A-Z, best match or distance.  You can narrow those results using the various filters on the right-hand side of the page.

Narrowing your search

Useful for

  • Narrowing your search by subject category.
  • Narrowing your search for a particular group - e.g. services for children, or ethnic communities.
  • Narrowing your search by type of organisation - e.g. statutory, or voluntary/independent sector
  • Narrowing your search by languages spoken.
  • Narrowing your search to a particular geographical area.

Search tips

  • Once you've done a quick search or chosen a subject list, your results will be displayed with some filters on the right-hand side of the page. Each filter is displayed with the number of records available.  To see a full set of filters, you may need to click on More...
  • To narrow your search, click on any of the filters.  You can combine choices from different types of filter - e.g. Older people (Offering services to) and Cantelowes Ward.  But, you can only choose one filter from each type in any one search./li>
  • You can undo any of your selections by clicking on the appropriate X button in the Category box at top right for your first selection and by unticking any Filters boxes you selected afterwards.
  • The geographical limiters are postal district, ward and polling district.
  • You can assume that all organisations and services have members of staff who speak English, therefore English is not an option under languages.

Browse categories

Useful for

  • Finding complete lists of organisations for particular subject headings.
  • Getting a better idea of the scope of Cindex.

Search tips

  • You can access this from the Cindex home page by clicking on a Subject category button.
  • You can access this from any Cindex page using the Browse categories drop-down list.
  • Once you've selected a main subject area, you can select a narrower term by clicking on one of the Subject categories on the right.  To find a more specific subject, select a narrower term from the list on the right (ie a sub-category). 
  • Each Subject category will show all the records for that subject, plus any records linked to its sub-headings.
  • At the top of the page you will see a breadcrumb trail starting with the word Home. You can click on any of the subjects headings in that breadcrumb trail to go up one or more levels in the subject hierarchy.
  • If you are not familiar with how the subjects are organised in Cindex, it may be easier to find your subject by using Subject List.

Subject List

Useful for

  • Exploring the subject index to find complete lists of organisations and services for particular subjects.
  • Getting a better idea of the scope of Cindex.
  • Seeing how the subjects are organised.

Search tips

  • You can access this from any Cindex page by clicking on Subject List.
  • The Subject List page shows the 12 main subject areas, with an arrow to the right of each one.
  • To expand a subject category, click on the arrow.  If a subject does not have an arrow beside it, that means it has no sub-headings.
  • When you have found the subject you want, click on the subject heading itself.
  • At the top of the page you will see a breadcrumb trail starting with the word Home. You can click on any of the subjects headings in that breadcrumb trail to go up one or more levels in the subject hierarchy.
  • A few subject headings have no records linked to them.  If you choose one of these, the system will take you to the Help with searching page.  In this case, it may be worth going back to Subject List and choosing the heading at the next level up: for example Environmental health, above Asbestos.

Associated subjects

Useful for

  • Finding complete lists of organisations for particular subject headings.
  • Understanding what a particular organisation or service offers.

Search tips

  • You can access Associated subjects in any full record display.
  • From any list of search results, choose a record which looks relevant to the subject you are searching for.  Select one of the links from the list at bottom right, under Associated subjects.
  • At the top of the page you will see a breadcrumb trail which starts with the word Home. You can click on any of the subjects headings in that breadcrumb trail to go up one or more levels in the subject hierarchy.

Other filters

  • There are three types of filter: Offering services to, Sector and Other categories.
  • Offering services to enables you to find services and organisations for a particular group: Children (0-18), Ethnic communities, Faith communities, Older people, People with disabilities, Under fives.
  • Sector identifies the different types of organisation: Council, Statutory, Voluntary/Independent sector.
  • Other categories cover broad subject areas: employment and training, fitness, health, leisure.

How to use these filters

  • Conduct your search, then click on the relevant filter on the right-hand side of the page.
  • You can combine choices from different types of filter - e.g. Offering services to and Sector.  But you can only choose one filter from each type in any one search.

How to search for filters directly

  • From the Cindex home page, click Search (make sure there is nothing entered in either of the search boxes).  From any other page, click Clear at top right of the page and then Search. Choose either Cindex categories or SEND Local Offer depending on which directory you wish to search. In each case, Cindex will display all the active records.
  • Scroll down the list of filters and click on the one you are looking for. You can  narrow your search further using the other filters showing on the right-hand side of the page.
  • You can undo any of your selections by clicking on the appropriate X button in the Category box at top right for your first selection and by unticking any Filters boxes you selected afterwards.

More about languages

  • Languages allows you to find organisations and services where a particular language is spoken.
  • You can assume that all organisations and services have staff or members who speak English, therefore English is not an option under languages.
  • Languages are put on Cindex in the form in which they are given to us by the organisations or services – for example, some organisations give Chinese as a language, while others specify Mandarin or Cantonese or another Chinese language.
  • Many organisations and services have access to interpreting services, even if they do not have staff who speak particular languages, so it is always worth asking about this.

How to use languages

  • Conduct your search, then click on the relevant language on the right-hand side of the page.
  • If you're looking for organisations that offer language A OR language B,  you will need to do separate searches for each language.
  • If you're looking for organisations that offer language A AND language B, you should make a second selection within the same search.

How to search for languages directly

  • From the Cindex home page, click Search (make sure there is nothing entered in either of the search boxes).  From any other page, click Home at top right of the page and then Search. In each case, Cindex will display all the active records.
  • Scroll down to the list of Languages and click on the one you are looking for.  You can  narrow your search further using the other filters showing on the right-hand side of the page.
  • You can undo any of your selections by clicking on the appropriate X button in the Category box at top right for your first selection and by unticking any Filters boxes you selected afterwards.

More about wards

  • The ward assigned to a Cindex record relates to where the organisation or service is based, not to the area it covers.
  • Records can't have more than one ward assigned.
  • Records without a ward assigned include: organisations based outside Camden, services that do not have a specific location (e.g. websites), services that cover the whole borough, e.g. Camden Council Parks and Open Spaces Section.
  • Complete list of wards: Belsize, Bloomsbury, Camden Town with Primrose Hill, Cantelowes, Fortune Green, Frognal and Fitzjohns, Gospel Oak, Hampstead Town, Haverstock, Highgate, Holborn and Covent Garden, Kentish Town, Kilburn, Kings Cross, Regents Park, St Pancras and Somers Town, Swiss Cottage, West Hampstead.

How to use wards to narrow your search

  • Conduct your search, then click on the relevant ward on the right-hand side of the page.
  • If you're looking for more than one ward, you will need to do separate searches for each ward.

How to search for wards directly

  • From the Cindex home page, click Search (make sure there is nothing entered in either of the search boxes).  From any other page, click Home at top right of the page and then Search.  In each case, Cindex will display all the active records. 
  • Scroll down the list of Wards and click on the one you are looking for. You can  narrow your search further using the other filters showing on the right-hand side of the page.
  • You can undo any of your selections by clicking on the appropriate X button in the Category box at top right for your first selection and by unticking any Filters boxes you selected afterwards.

More about postal districts

  • Postal districts relate to the area where the organisation or service is located, not necessarily to the area that it covers.
  • Postal district boundaries do not correspond to ward, polling district, borough, or any other boundaries.
  • Complete list of postal districts: NW1, NW2, NW3, NW5, NW6, NW8, NW11, N1, N2, N6, N7, N19, EC1, EC4, W1, WC1, WC2.

How to use postal districts

  • Conduct your search, then click on the relevant postal district on the right-hand side of the page.
  • If you're looking for more than one postal district, you will need to do separate searches for each postal district.

How to search for postal districts directly

  • From the Cindex home page, click Search (make sure there is nothing entered in either of the search boxes).  From any other page, click Homer at top right of the page and then Search. In each case, Cindex will display all the active records. 
  • Scroll down to the list of Postal districts and click on the one you are looking for. You can narrow your search further using the other filters showing on the right-hand side of the page.
  • You can undo any of your selections by clicking on the appropriate X button in the Category box at top right for your first selection and by unticking any Filters boxes you selected afterwards.