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Bereavement Support

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Bereavement Support

We understand that the death of a loved one can be a sad and distressing time. You or your family and friends may need extra help. There are a number of free and confidential self-referral services in Camden. They can support you with bereavement during this period of uncertainty.

Helpline Support

This is quick to access though you may have to wait on the line or be phoned back.

  • Samaritans offer round the clock support for anyone who is experiencing stress, despair or is in crisis. You can call them free on 116123 or if that is not possible call 0330 094 5717. You may be charged for this 0330 number, depending on your phone package. 
  • Cruse Bereavement Care host a number of wellbeing support resources specific to coronavirus on their website, You can also call them on 0808 808 1677, Monday to Friday.
  • The Silver Line is a free confidential helpline providing information, friendship and advice to older people. They are open 24 hours a day, every day of the year. You can call them on 0800 470 80 90

Counselling support by phone and online

This is more intensive support and may take a little longer to arrange. 

  • Camden, City, Islington & Westminster Bereavement Service (CCIWBS) offer counselling to anyone aged 18 or over with a GP in Camden or Islington. You can contact them via 0207 284 0090 or visit their website at
  • iCope is a free and confidential service that provides support for stress, depression and anxiety which can sometimes accompany a sudden bereavement. Please note, iCope is not a crisis or emergency service. You can contact them by calling 020 3317 6670 or visit their website at
  • The Brandon Centre provides confidential help and advice for young people aged 12 to 24 and their parents and carers.  This covers a range of issues including counselling and is open on weekdays. Please see or email [email protected].
  • Age UK Camden offer counselling sessions to people aged 55 and over who are registered with a GP in Camden. You can call them 020 7239 0400, email [email protected] or visit
  • Marie Curie Telephone Bereavement Support provide support to anyone affected by a terminal illness or concerns about coronavirus, whether directly affected or a family member. You can call them on 0800 090 2309 seven days a week or visit
  • NCL support after suicide service is a local service that provides support to people bereaved or affected by suicide. To find out more about the service, or to make a referral for yourself or someone else, visit email [email protected] or call 07483 368 700
  • The Loss Foundation: is a UK charity dedicated solely to providing bereavement support following the death of a loved one to cancer. They provide a variety of support events (in person and online) to help people connect in loss. They also educate and empower others to support those who are grieving via our workshops and training, and we hold many walk and talk events in and around the UK (including London) for any adult affected by cancer loss. Visit
  • Rehab 4 Addiction: After a bereavement, it's important to remember that this can be a particularly challenging time for those dealing with addiction and mental health issues. Many people feel more vulnerable during this period and may be in desperate need of the resources and support that Rehab 4 Addiction can provide. Engaging with compassionate professionals and supportive communities can be a crucial step in managing grief and maintaining sobriety or mental health stability. Remember, reaching out for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Visit

We want to help you however we can. If you have a question or concern or need signposting to a more specialist bereavement service, please fill in our and someone will come back to you.

If you are finding it difficult to cope with bereavement in self-isolation, please see our advice on how to keep positive and improve your wellbeing.

Get help to pay for a funeral

The Government offer a number support packages that you may be eligible for including the Funeral Expenses Payment scheme which can provide financial assistance to family or friends with the costs of a funeral. The Government have issued guidance on how you can access this.

Funeral Expenses Payments can help with some of the costs of the following:

  • burial fees for a particular plot
  • cremation fees, including the cost of the doctor’s certificate
  • travel to arrange or attend the funeral
  • the cost of moving the body within the UK, if moved more than 50 miles
  • death certificates and other documents.

If your husband, wife or civil partner has passed away then you may also be eligible for up to 18 months of bereavement support payments, you can find out more about how to access this on the government website

If you are a parent and have lost your husband, wife of civil partner then you may also be eligible for a widowed parent’s allowance. You can find out more on the government website.

Public health funeral

When someone dies within the borough boundary of Camden and there is no one willing or able to arrange the funeral, the Council is responsible. This responsibility is placed on the Council under S46 (Section 46) of the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984.

Further information about public health funerals in Camden is available on the Camden Care Choices website.